I received a phone call from an unknown number this rainy afternoon. The lady said the local hair salon owner told her about me. Her daughter is eager to take piano lessons! Will I take her as a student? Yeah!! My first full time school age student here in Vancouver!! She will start Monday after school.
My studio is somewhat ready and somewhat messy and somewhat disorganized. Now I have motivation to put it in order!! Here's to several more students as word of a great teacher gets out.
I did some work in there today, but for a different reason. I faxed my tax info to my accountant in Wisconsin. I have used the fax only twice since moving out here so there was some fussing before it was set up and working. BUT, now tax filing will be done before the extension deadline arrives.
I attended water aerobics this morning. During our hot top soak time we ladies discussed and worried about Medicare supplements and what Obamacare will mean for us when January comes. I am still new and perplexed about health insurance--and all insurances--with having to study them, figure them out and decide on my own. (I don't like ANY references, directions, explanations that are over 2 paragraphs long.) It's nice to have our "chat room" at the pool to talk things over and hear other ladies' experiences.
The most difficult aspect of living alone for me and not having a "go to work" job is boredom. It's not that there aren't several projects to be done (and don't get done), but that there is a low level of energy flow. I think being around others stimulates one's energy levels and the day passes more quickly and efficiently. It's not fun to fix food and eat alone. Or to list projects, then have to rehearse to one self which are more important and tell oneself to do them. (SIGH) And there are so many sit down tasks that one's buns get squished. But I know there are lots and lots of folks, women and men, who live this situation day after day, year after year. The challenge is to formulate and live out positive, productive days. It is a learning experience. Yes, it is.
A good one that will regulate my senior years. "Keep on keeping on."
(because it is rainy here)

This has been a good "first piano student" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Let us fear [reverence] the Lord our God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, who assures us of the regular weeks of harvest." (Jeremiah 5:24)
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