Grandma G's early morning look......
I was going to have a well ordered day. (Really) A leisurely morning, then get ready for an appointment with a cardiologist early afternoon. Deb gave me directions how to get to the location. After the appointment I was going to the Mall for an hour and then on to Mic's last cheering event at the Freshman football game.
All went well until the doctor's office called to apologize that the doctor had an emergency procedure to perform and I needed to reschedule. OK. Turns out I need to see a different specialist than the one I had picked. I need someone in electrophysiology. I had an ablation done 2 years ago and that is the department I need to check in with. I am doing well, just need to have back up out here to make sure I stay in good health. No problem rescheduling, except......
Not having that appointment to go to threw off the day's schedule AND my focus. Now What? Took me 2 hours to figure out how to fill those hours--I did get in some arm exercises I have been neglecting---then it was time to go to Mic's cheering event. Guess the schedule picked up from there. Crazy. Such predicaments.
It was a beautiful day for sitting at a football game. Mic did a great job at cheering. Debbie and I discussed some last minutes plans for our family trip to the Grand Canyon coming up soon. I also told her about my latest dentist appointment--that I have to decide whether to have a back upper molar pulled or have the endodondist try to save it for me. He recommends it being pulled. I told Deb I have a goal of keeping all my teeth until I die. She responded that I can keep the tooth--have the dentist put it in a little bag and I can take it home and keep it as long as I like. My daughter is SO clever.
Mic----far left standing on top----
This has been a good "schedule undone" day in the life of Grandma G.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
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