They both have a fresh coat of snow on their peaks.
Mt. St. Helen's.....
Mt. Hood......
After sleeping in a bit this morning, I spent 2 hours at the hair salon "freshening up" my hair and getting a new coat of polish on my nails. Then it was back to home for some lunch before heading out to enjoy the sunshine and warmth for 45 minutes. It is also a training program to develop enough strength and endurance to join with the senior hiking group that go for hikes every Tuesday. I will be happy to take part in the easy hikes of 4 miles and slight elevation. Still have some "training" to engage in.
The main focus these days is finalizing a family get together trip to Grand Canyon via LasVegas.
There will be 5 groups coming and leaving at different times and days, but there should be 2 full days of everyone together at the same place. Yeah! The government can't keep the National Parks closed for too long.
I am closer to getting advertising postcards printed. Soon I shall scour the area with advertising for Grandma G's piano studio. Yeah, again!!
I have an achy upper right molar. I've already invested lots of money and a gnarly procedure to save it. Don't know what is going to happen. The tooth in front of it is fine after a root canal "redo" a few weeks ago. Still have a goal of keeping my teeth all my life. Don't know....Don't know....Can't have a bothersome tooth at the Grand Canyon.
Thursday was a stay at home day after water aerobics. I hadn't been there for several times because of a virus and then headache. Sure felt good to exercise in the moderately cool water and then soak in the hot tub. Later in the day I did the series of stretches that keep me somewhat flexible. Those had been neglected for awhile also. One of the reasons for moving to the PNW was to have better opportunity to strengthen my body. Guess I should be working at that. GO, Grandma G, GO!
The remainder of the day past quickly with the continued effort to bring insurances, legal forms, bills, coupons, etc. up to date. My mind gets very ADD when trying to sort this all out. Doesn't hurt, either, to look into upcoming Senior trips to take part in. There has to be some advantage to being semi-retired.
"Whatcha, think, Ma, them Feds gonna let us into that there Grand Canyon?"
"Don't know, Daughter, we'll just say we're alookin for a big hole but we can't find it and they'll point it out to us."
"You're SO smart, Ma, wish I was like you."
"Some day, Daughter, Some day."
"Bet they ain't takin us youngins along....."
"Nope, they ain't."
"Hope they never find that there big hole."
This has been a good 2 "sunshine returns" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high." (Psalm 113: 4 & 5)
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