I haven't talked to her today but as of yesterday there seemed to hope that the stimulator is relieving the pain. The next step is a surgery to implant a permanent one that she will regulate with a small remote she'll always carry with her. The wonders of modern medicine!! More on that as time goes on.
(Sissy holding Gemma by the Grand Canyon)
Friday I think I stayed in all day. I spent several hours working on a message from the Bible about thanksgiving (giving thanks) to share on Sunday (tomorrow). I will talk about 20 -30 minutes. This was a bigger challenge to prepare than I thought it would be.
And then washed all the dishes (that had accumulated since Tuesday).
Today, Sat., I went to water aerobics and then home where I stayed the rest of the day. More work on my Sunday sharing. I think I know why I have Blogger's block. Evidently it didn't cause writer's block after all.
Fun picture...five white vehicles clumped together...mine is the 5th....
tree at Deb's house
Grandma G with Jude and Gemma at Grand Canyon
This has been a good 3 "blogger's block" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song." (Psalm 95:1&2)
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