Beside, I spent a number of hours researching flights for 3 trips. One to San Diego in 2 weeks, one to Milwaukee in late April and one to Indianapolis from San Diego in mid June. That should be enough to keep my adrenalin rush fix at high alert.
I've also spent several hours compiling a digital folder of 385 family pictures from 2013 for a new family 2014 calendar. The GeoLou Schmidt Family Happenings calendar runs from Feb to Feb. That avoids all the holiday rush for me. I was quite frustrated earlier today since after programming all these pictures I could not find the folder when it came time to upload them to the photo site. That one and 3 others simply went missing from about 400 other ones. After numerous attempts and almost resigning myself to, I don't know what, I clicked on a different "list" and they popped up. Yeah! Now I can peacefully proceed.
Friday through Sunday we had torrential rains and strong winds. Today was "mostly cloudy" and around 50. I totally enjoyed a 30 minute springtime walk in the middle of January.
With adding an hour's worth of stretches my body is once again relaxed and exercised.
So now it is a matter of "scheduling" calendar prep, piano practice, exercise, an advertising campaign, blogging, cooking, dishes, taxes, and sleeping into a manageable format for the next few months. I guess I don't really have to consider my life boring, even as it settles into "routine".
This has been a good 4 no blogging days in the life of Grandma G.
"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."
(Ecclesiastes 11:6)
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