A fortune cookie fortune worth pondering.....
There is now good reason to put off doing dishes, cleaning house, doing laundry, paying the bills......
These past 4 days the holidays have fast become a memory. Here in the Pacific Northwest the weather (to me) seems like spring---what late April or May would be like back in northern Wisconsin. It is in the mid 40's and rainy, yet patches of blue sky intermingle with the black clouds. So in my mind winter has "come and gone" in a few days. I am not inclined to want to keep up any "winter" decorations, including Christmas.
Unfortunately this is not so for the folks back in the Midwest.
My heart goes out to them as I recall the deep, deep shivering throughout my body, yet I cannot now fully experience what they are enduring. My mind declares, "I can't adequately appreciate that I am really living here in the PNW".
Last night as I was brushing my teeth before going to bed, I thought I heard a "cheep". It startled me since I couldn't determine where it came from. Oh, well. Off to bed. Then came another very sharp, annoying "chirp". About 5 minutes later, "chirp", very abrasive to my ears. This was at 12:15 AM. With a little investigating I realized it was the smoke alarm....alarming me. I have heard that when the battery is getting low it will "chirp". That is what it was doing. Standing on a chair I tried to reach it in order to "de-batteryize" it. (New word, maybe will be voted into the dictionary next year.) Not quite enough height. Now what does one (one, being a short lady alone in the middle of the night) do? The ladder was out in the garage. One does not go out into the garage in the middle of the night. Not that one CAN'T, rather one just doesn't WANT to.
On to plan B. One went to into her room, closed the door, climbed into bed and put a pillow over her head. One can just ignore the chirping until morning. Fortunately the little chirper must have gotten tired because it quit for most of the night. At one point I woke up and heard a faint "chirp". Daylight must have revived it because by 8 AM it was hardily chirping once again.
(That white round shape in orbit on the wall is NOT the moon.) Ladder plus me just reached enough to get it off the wall.
De-batterized fire alarm. I have heard of frustrated people using a hammer to
de-batteryize or vigorously throwing it onto a cement slab.
More blogging tomorrow. I promise. Right now one is off to bed without the little chirper chirping.
This has been a good 4th of 4 days in the life of Grandma G.
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength".
(Philippians 4:13)
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