Thursday was a long day of travel, but entertaining. Burt drove the COLD (-12 degrees outside anyway) ride to the airport and helped me in. I went through security easily as there is a new "prescreened" option I have enrolled in---no taking off shoes. I ordered a chicken fajita at a small kiosk. It was suppose to include sour cream. When I inquired, the fellow asked the cooked who responded that the sour cream was still in a frozen chunk in the back room. So much for small airports.
I had a 4 hour layover so I traversed the huge airport leisurely. The tunnel connecting the concourses features a colored light show with music. I spent a long time just watching the lights. (I shot a video but it won't upload. That was suppose to be part of the "fun" in this blog.) Enjoy the photos.
As I was walking along I heard birds chirping and soon saw a small one flying above. They must make their home in the airport.
A passenger and a bird hanging out...
There is a round fountain that jets water in various times it looks like small fish jumping...(another video that won't upload)
YUM..... with Delta cookies....great for wiling away the time watching little birds and water-fish jumping.
In the upper level of my little scenario the express tram ran back and forth.
When it was time for me to journey on I boarded that express tram and sped across the airport to the departing gate. Since there was almost 2 hours left to wile away, I found a relatively quiet spot to plug in the computer and surf the web. I happen to overhear (NOT eves drop) the fellow across from me saying to someone on the phone that he had just gotten in from Morocco. WEIRD..... not that he just got in from Morocco, but that at that moment I was filling out the entry form to win a trip to Morocco.
I had to strike up a conversation with him since I spent a whole 2 days in Morocco 11 years ago. He is from Olympia, WA. He just returned from visiting his daughter who has taught in a prep school for the past 6 years. She is returning home this summer and he figured it was time to visit her temporary home. He showed me over 200 pictures. Some scenes were familiar to me and makes me want to visit Morocco again. We chatted awhile and then it was time to get ready to board my plane.
After finding a Greek salad and a set of pink earphones to take along on the 5 hour flight home, and being assured there was no more room in first class I settled in to wait for my row 25 to be called. I did have an aisle seat, though.
Oh ya. 5 hours. Oh ya. Long day. First I am 2 hours ahead of my home time, then fly east rather than west and be 3 hours ahead. Shortly after take off I resat my watch to Pacific time so I am not ahead or behind me. Hence we left Detroit at 5:45 PM rather than 8:45 PM, though we were scheduled to leave at 8:05 PM. (Detroit time I think) No wonder this world is so mixed up.
The flight was quick enough with watching 2 movies....The Butler and Gravity. I liked The Butler, but was a bit confused with the last portion of it. Gravity I was not impressed with. Sorry. I thought it was quite cheesy. I don't know if it was the story or the acting or the actress or the cliche remarks she was making. Sorry. It didn't do anything for me.
Well, it did, it helped pass the last hour and 20 minutes, though while I was watching it I was also watching the movie the lady next to me was watching. I think it was about Nelson Mandela. Wish I had found that one. Except now I can counter anyone who thinks Gravity is so great. Great, gruesome,grave, gray,grunting, galactic gravity.
Fortunately, our aircraft was not hurled into the outer reaches of swirling space and rogue space trash. We landed without incident at 10:20 PST, though we were 20 minutes late. However the entire flight was 4 &1/2 hours rather than 5 so we did come out ahead.
This was a long day of travel, but one of entertainment and fun at the Detroit airport. Who needs Disney or Kings Island?
This was a good long travel day in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord will keep you from all harm--he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and your going both now and forevermore."
(Psalm 121: 7 & 8)
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