But WAIT.....there are also SUN BREAKS......
That is the official term used even by the TV weather people....
We had a sun break this Saturday afternoon for about 4 hours.....
We have had almost continual rain since Tuesday....record amounts in several areas.
What does Grandma G DO on very rainy days? Glad you asked.
On Tuesday I had an 8:20AM endodontist appointment a 30 minute drive from here. Now to some people this is not a problem, but.....to some of us it is. It worked out fine except that the annoying upper jaw pain is still a mystery. The dentist said there is a small amount of infection around the root canal, but to wait a few months. There is a surgical procedure that can be done to go in and clean it out. We'll wait and see. See?
Going for Thai food lunch with the fellow mother-in-law, Carole, is another way of counteracting rainy weather. Careful on the spice....even mild.....can be quite hot to one's palate. I brought enough left overs home for 3 meals.....by the time it is diluted with bland rice noodles there will be enough for 7 meals....
Then how about a stop with Carole at a local senior center to watch local senior musicians perform an Irish program. (This was my first visit to any regional assisted living homes.)
Wednesday has already been documented with a rainy day trip to the Oregon coast.
Thursday was a great day to sleep in and loaf around all day.... I did make a fresh resolve to rehearse my piano music for a hoped for performance in May. Positive, productive activity. Also decided to work on a vocal song for Sunday service.
Ditto on Friday....almost....I did a few constructive chores, but can't remember what. Oh, yah, watched a sappy, but sort of cute movie. More music rehearsal during the day.
Today, Saturday, was a well used day. I got to water aerobics....first in about 8 weeks. The ladies were glad to welcome me back. It was good to interact with all them again.
"12 Apostles" southern coast of Australia.

Many hours went into polishing the song I plan to sing and play on the piano tomorrow at church.
The highlight of the day was the......SUN BREAK....went for a 30 minute walk and then stopped at the mailbox to retrieve my soggy mail.
This has been a good 3 soggy days in the life of Grandma G.
"Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember my everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." (Genesis 8: 15 & 16)
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