What better way to make a grandma feel better than for her to make a mess in the kitchen while doing home made baking.....that is akin to a child having a good time in the sandbox.
Breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes, sweet potato and
fresh Brussel sprouts
Fun...... that is, until it is time to wash dishes.....
Sunday I did get to church service. Then....tried returning the moldy shepherd's pie I had bought on Friday. I took it to the same grocery chain, but a different store. They wouldn't accept it, saying the store will loose money if they accept something returned from a different store. I was not a happy Sunday afternoon lady.
I did drive to the store where I purchased it and they returned my money. One bonus, though, I met up with my fellow, mother-in-law. It was fun to recognize someone in this large city.
Later in the afternoon I went to a jewelry party with Deb and Micki. I didn't buy anything, but had good sociability, good food and the "loser of a game" prize of a cardboard emery board. Woo!
The evening I passed watching the first of the 3 Lord of the Rings. I paid for it on DirectV thinking it was the HD version. It was not. Heck, I could have watched the DVD version for free.
Early spring in the neighborhood....young girls riding bikes.....
(don't see many kids in this 55+ community)
Monday I found my way to the ear/nose/throat clinic of the Northwest....but not before getting a wee bit lost. ( A wee anything is good on St. Pat's day....like a wee attempt at a joke.) Not too bad....just overshot the proper street by 6 blocks. Next time I'll know where it is.
The mystery of the upper jaw and right ear pain has not been solved, but a few possibilities eliminated. No sinus infection. I need to have a troublesome tooth looked at. Doctor wants me to call him in 2 weeks and let him know how I am doing.
I've texted Angie a few times while she is hanging out in San Diego.
An energized Gemma, Angie, Jude and Gerry
Heading to the beach......
This "ailing" business is getting boring. I haven't exercised in almost 2 weeks, been sitting on my tush too much, eating comfort food more than is needed. I have started practicing piano more and warmed up the guitar for about 10 minutes last evening. It's called motivation....or the lack there of.
The last few days there has been the fun surprise of connecting with 2 friends, both living aboard in different countries. There are benefits to this global society we live in.
Challenge....will she....won't she.....?
Gerry ordered out a cheaper internet service for me. They sent a "self install" kit. All you have to do is unplug a half dozen cords and plug in their stuff. But make sure you do this and don't do that.
Challenge....will she....won't she.....?
She WON'T.....gotta make some phone calls tomorrow......
This has been a good 3 "recouping" days in the life of Grandma G.
"I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the grave." (Psalms 86:12 & 13)
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