As 2014 draws to a close here in the PNW it is 10:40 PM. I am sitting home watching a recorded movie on TV while an upper tooth is throbbing in rhythm to my heartbeat. Outside, fireworks are bursting with loud sounds and the temperature has dropped to a chilly 20 degrees.
Now backup a bit.....the sun shone brightly all day in a blue sky...
After slowly getting on with the morning, granddaughter Angie and I attended the movie Exodus,gods and kings at 11:30. We enjoyed it in the "parlor room" theater that seats about 20 people...cushioned seats and foot rests. Nice. More nice that the tickets were gifts.
We followed that with a meal at Olive Garden.....a gift certificate from daughter Angie.
That was the end of the festive part of the day. At 4:40 it was on to a 90 minute dentist appointment for 2 fillings and a crown prep. After lots of freezing and stretching of my jaw the work was done. And I got to go home for a cozy night-in for the last few hours of 2014.
Out here people welcome in the new year with fireworks....right now they are going off all around the neighborhood.....and will proceed through most of the night. It is too chilly for me to peek out the door to observe them....(however, chilly is not the word for "back east" in northern Wisconsin where it is somewhere around 12 below zero right now....burrrrr)
happy, blessed new year of 2015.
This has been good New Year's Eve day in the life of Grandma G.
"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13 & 14)
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