On Sunday, March, 13, 2016, my younger brother, almost 69, passed away after an 11 year battle with Pick's disease. (Pick's is a rare form of dementia caused by the deterioration of the brain's frontal lobe. The onset of the disease is unknown. The patient is deprived of his ability to talk and eventually cannot function on his own.)
I received the news on a rainy afternoon, but during a "sunbreak" with lovely sunshine and blue sky bursting through the gray clouds.
I was able to get a good connecting flight into central Wisconsin on Tuesday afternoon. (I was comforted at the airport by a quick
chat with a fellow playing guitar and learning a friend I haven't seen for almost 2 years was going on the same flight.) In Wisconsin I was welcomed at 9 PM by my 17 year old grandson who drove me to his family's home to stay overnight. (His parents were on "spring break" with 2 other sons in Alaska.)
Wednesday I was greeted by SNOW and then by Indianapolis family in the early afternoon.
They had driven 400 miles and stopped to take me the next 100 miles north to Park Falls. We were somewhat concerned because the national weather forecast had issued a winter storm warning for the next 24 hours and predicted up to 8 inches of snow and icy roads. We decided to go anyway and were rewarded with simply "wet" roads and a few flurries.
45 years ago....a young Nick with his bride, Sandy, her dad and mom, our mom, Gertrude, and our dad, John.
Sandy and Nick about 5 years ago. Their last dance together....with some encouragement by Sandy. We sisters, Georgia, Betty and Kate with Nick.
A Military Salute at his service on Thursday.
It is always good when the eagle flies over.....
A bald eagle flew over the church just as we were pulling up.
(Photo of an eagle taken 3/14/16 by grandson Cory in Alaska. His dad, Burt, who was visiting there, grew up with Nick Jr. in Park Falls and was cousin, classmate and good friend.)
"On Eagle's Wings",the last song sung at Nick's service.
Military honors and snow covered evergreens at his interment.
wife, Sandy, sons, Nick and Gary
Nick and Kathy
Sons, Joe and Alac

Gary and wife, Jo
sister-in-law, Betty
sister-in-law, Sandy
Jon, Al, Eric
Georgia, Kate, Betty
John, Rose, Paula
Interludes of Rest....
Reflecting on winter beauty
Playing Mexican Train Dominoes at the midnight hour
Visiting with Louie

Visiting guitar-playing
friend, Jamie...
First "selfie" at 83 years
California swinging Baby Berklee pic....
Playing "Upwords" with Betty on a chilly Sat. evening
Wishing a grown-up Burt a Happy B-day in Alaska!!
Burt Burt, Jen, sons Josh and Cory and friend, Becca
This has been a good 7 "joys and sorrows" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even though they die'." (John 11:25)