Monday was a relaxed day, sliding me back into "normal" everyday living. I worked on the blog most of the day, had one piano lesson, practiced piano a bit and toward evening watched a movie/documentary of Malala's story (the Afghanistan school girl who was shot by the Taliban).
Tuesday I was eager to get on with normal life and also excited that the 2016 GeoLou Schmidts family calendars had arrived. After water aerobics I set off to the post office for mailing envelopes then to Freddy's for fresh groceries and to check on a possible new dress for Easter since there was a good sale going.
Got the mailing envelopes, got the groceries, got disappointed how I looked in an Easter dress....
Once home I got busy addressing the mailing envelopes, writing out cards into the evening.
Wednesday we TTTs (Terrific Traveling Trio) had made plans to meet with another lady in the park to share about our trip to the San Juan Islands. Along with 2 other ladies we visited for 2 hours while showing digital pictures and exchanging stories. I was amazed how much more Nancy and Jo remembered about specifics than I did. We had some good laughs.
Early afternoon I hurried home to finish the calendar mailings and get them to the post office.....16 of them (calendars, not post offices).
Last year I had addressed brown envelopes but then replaced them with the postal white cardboard mailers. These had a cheaper cost. This year I used the white mailers. Hauled them to the post office, stood in line and presented them to the clerk. First envelope registered at $6.50. WHOA! 16 times $6.50? I don't think so....
The clerk estimated the brown envelopes would cost about $2.95.
You do the math difference....
Time to head home, dig out those brown envelopes addressed but not used from last year and hope there were enough to cover the rest. Number came out just right.
(That stack of used, unused white cardboard envelopes? Great for filling the recycle bin.)
Back to the post office. Held up a long line for a long time as the clerk checked and rechecked zip codes. Yeah!! the GeoLou Family Happenings 2016 calendar was finally in the mail. No matter it starts at Feb and Feb is gone. No matter the photo company had no software to reposition the months to start on March. Gram G's big project for the year was complete and on the way.
One unexpected perk on needing to return to the PO.....I met up with an acquaintance I hadn't seen for almost 2 years. He recognized me and we had a pleasant though brief chat.
Finally got to watch one of Jake's basketball games in the evening....after a half hour drive in heavy rain. Met up with Angie, Micki, and Debbie. Finished out the day with family dinner at Apple Bee's..
Thursday started out hopeful......I got up and out of bed....
Got to water aerobics. Later in the morning there was a knock on the door and patter of little dog's feet....
Angie and Bentley brought me tulips that can be planted outside after the blooms fade....
Thursday afternoon trauma. AKA, saved by a window.....
Although I went to water aerobics in the morning, the rare afternoon sunshine beckoned me. Since I needed to go pay my rent anyway I decided to walk to the manager's office and then continue walking a couple miles. I looked for the set of keys that had the mailbox key besides the house key, but couldn't find them. The car key with a house key set on the counter. I my hustle, I was out the door, closed and automatically locked the door, when I realized I hadn't taken the car key set. Bummer!! what?
Since I needed go the office, I hoped they had a spare key. (Though I knew they didn't because they had given me the spare key about 18 months ago the first time I locked myself out.) Chuck, the friendly manager, gave me the phone number of the area locksmith. Then I remembered.......
Walking home I felt cheated that this lovely sunny day for a walk was ruined by such an annoying problem.
One quick look at my ladder, a sympathetic comment that it is great weather for such a dilemma, and a brief discussion about the nearest door (to unlock from the inside) he is up the ladder, straddles the windowsill and disappears inside my messy house. (Not to worry, he says, his is messy too.)
(Yes, I had my phone camera with me. No, I did not get a picture of him climbing into my window, his red shoes glistening in the sun.) 30 seconds later he is unlocking the deck door and asking if he should carry the ladder back into the garage for me. Yes, that would be nice. After a few compliments on a nice set of chairs and matching table stored in the garage and how now it is time to go to a local organic store to buy his lunch we say our goodbyes.....for now. Yes, I did thank him....and, YES, next trip to the local hardware store I will get 5 keys made. Yes, one will be in the park office in reserve for me.
Safely back inside my home I recoup with a cup of tea, turkey lunch and an episode of Little House on the Pierre. At first thinking I had missed my chance for a sunny walk I reasoned that the sun was still shining, rain was forecast for the next several days, spring blossoms are everywhere, the messy house will still be there tomorrow, I have a goal to increase physical stamina, this is my 70th B-day year and I can do whatever I want whenever I want......the walk is still on!!
feel a bit on the fringe??
Bloom anyway....
"tulip tree"
Geo-pruned rose bush starting spring comeback....
"Daffy-down-dillies" in abundance.....
I achieved 3/4 of the "steps" goal of 4 miles. Yet considering the 40 minutes of water aerobics in the morning and the shenanigans of breaking into my home I think I surpassed any goal for the day.....
This has been a good 3 "fun and frustration" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."
(Psalms 37: 3 & 4)
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