75% of the goal
The "steps" goal..
100% of her goal!
(Still "training" to walk 5 miles and then participate in the "easy" senior hikes.)
(Don't know about the other alien)
The weather forecast is for RAIN most of the week. There are "sunbreaks" throughout the days. Since thunderstorms were scheduled for around noon I decided to walk mid morning after the early morning showers...
March is flowering-plum blossom season all over Vancouver.....
Lovely even under rain clouds
Gram G's favorite tree in the park....
Dr. Seuss tree and bleeding hearts....
Rain clouds passing!!
I still am thrilled with all the colorful shrubbery!
Hold your head high if someone calls you a pansy...
These beauties endured the winter, though a bit droopy,
Now are fully blooming!!
Backing up a few days, on Friday I joined two lady friends for coffee/tea at LATTE'da in downtown Vancouver. I recently became aware of this coffee house. Folks come to eat, enjoy latte's, hang out, work on electronics, visit and view works of a local photographer. They have occasional entertainment in the evenings and an OPEN MIC on the 2nd Monday of the month. HMMMMMM...maybe some day, I'll try that....
We ladies enjoyed each other's company for 4 hours. Need to put this on my list of "places to go" when mid-west company comes out.
A distinguished old "monkey tail" favorite PNW tree....
And Sunday afternoon, thanks to technology, I connected with family in Wisconsin on Skype. Chuck and 2 of 3 angels were home. We had a fun chat and made tentative plans to go camping this summer when I travel to the mid-west.
(I always feel I am in space on the Enterprise whenever I Skype....I keep looking around for Captain Picard.)
There is lots to do inside on these wet days. Blog, work on new piano music (got 2 pieces "in the works"), take down the last of the holiday decorations, clean up the kitchen, schedule spring and summer travel, exercise, check out Star Trek episodes and sort out piles of unfinished paperwork.....
This has been a good 6 "rain, rain, go away" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp. He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills." (Psalms 147: 7 & 8)
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