the FEET?
The FEAT??
for Gram G....
Neil Armstrong started his foot steps at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN with a BS in aeronautical engineering.
(Any relation to Enterprise Captain Kirk??)
Niece Mary is starting HER foot steps in mechanical engineering in the same school! One year finished....
Neil and Gram G
pondering the future....
Three generations of strong women....
grandma Kate,
mom Stephanie
daughter, Mary
Wed. afternoon Mary needed to attend orientation for her summer employment, presenting seminars to encourage young women to enter the world of engineering.
After our morning return to Indp from southwest Indy we gathered up Mary and drove north to West Lafayette.
We had a double mission. While Mary was at her meeting we met with my foster sister who lives very near the campus.
Shades of blue....
Chirping birds...
balmy breeze....
green grapes (no pic)
in honor and memory of my first lunch at their home....
PB and jelly sandwiches and green grapes.....
I was afraid of Jill, the springer spaniel...
A stop at TRIPLE XXX.....
Burgers, fries and root beers for all!!
Ice cream for dessert!!
Lovely Indiana sunset on the way home.....
Wednesday was a successful day of traveling Indiana southeast to north, moon steps, sister bonding, snarfing burgers and viewing the sunset.
This has been a good "feet/feat" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The steps of a righteous man [woman] are ordered by the Lord."
(Psalms 37: 23-24)
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