Grasshopper Betty wanted to learn the delicate art of making potato dumplings, sauerkraut, pork and gravy.
On a Thursday afternoon the learning began. Since master chef Gram G has prepared about 2,000 dumplings to date she doesn't use a recipe. Student chef, however, desired to have one.
One starts with semi dry bread and breaks it into small chunks..
8-10 dumplings per loaf....figuring in the variables.
Student chef earned her hat after she demonstrated she could peal potatoes!
4-5 medium potatoes per loaf of bread....figuring in the variables.
1 tsp. salt per loaf of bread....figuring in you know what...
Chef attendant Stephanie liquefied the spuds in her handy dandy food processor.
(In the OLD DAYS one would grate the spuds with a hand held grater, making sure one wipes away the occasional blood from scraped fingers.)
Teacher and student mushes the liquefied potatoes into the bread until the consistency of play dough....figuring in the variables.
Then shapes them into baseball sized spheres.
Unless one wants them bigger then one shapes them into softball sized spheres. Or soccer or basketball....(just joshing)
Finally student chef drops them into a pot of boiling water with a pinch of salt...(variable)
Boils them (once the water returns to a boil) for 30-45 minutes. Its all in the variables.
Math quiz: if one starts with 4 loaves of semi-dry bread broken into small pieces, mushed with appx 20 liquefied potatoes, how many fully cooked dumplings does one end up with?
Answer: It varies.....
We came out with 35 dumplings. I think.....maybe 36.
Eaters can't eat until they guess how many dumplings. The one with the closest guess wins the prize!
The prize you ask? That varies.
The rest of the meal?
Pork roasted in the oven with garlic chunks and caraway seed.
A thin gravy with a pack or two of pork gravy mix.
Sauerkraut cooked a couple hours with caraway seed and onion slices. (In the old days it was homemade, sitting stinky in the corner of the kitchen.)
Betty is now MASTER CHEF of the Indianapolis dumpling!!
If you can talk her into making them......
Gram G with her oldest sister, Sally (officially Joan) at 84. Her husband, George, is 94.
A Thursday morning drive south to visit George, Sally and daughter, Susie...
The ladies!
Mexican lunch.....
Friday morning visit to brother John and Susie's new home
Pop and Mom in earlier years
great niece, Gracie, performing....
Jockamo pizza
Woo! Woo!
Leaving Indy through the rain....Missed the portal in the clouds...
Had my own little office on the plane....
Barge on the Miss-a-sip?
2 mile cart ride in the airport to connecting flight....
A new adventure begins....
This has been a good many "Indy is a Hoot" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." (Psalm 34:8)
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