Gram G has had a week of family fun and activities....
Enjoy a photo quick view
Gemma and Jude from San Diego, CA
Autumn and Eddy from Park Falls, WI
View of Mt. Hood as we drove to Bend. OR
Nearing the high desert...
Juniper trees....
hot tub swimming pool.....
The tourney gang....
The THREE SISTERS mountains
Son Gerry starting a 14 miles "workout" on the North Sister.
He is in training for a "Spartan Beast" race in Hawaii August 10.
Al, Eddy and Autumn en-route to pick up Gerry 6 hours later
Gerry reaching the pick up point exact same time we arrive there....
(quote from Gerry)
Quite the excursion. Was hoping for 7-8 miles and some elevation gain. Thought maybe I could get close to the summit the North Sister of the Three Sisters Mountains. Got "lost" as in left trail to go toward the summit and didn't find the trail until several hard miles later! Still this was stunning and exhilarating. And turns out it was brutal prep for the Spartan Hawaii Beast in three weeks. 14 tough miles and nearly 4000 ft elevation gain and seriously sore body.
WHAT is it and WHERE?
Check back in 5-6 days to find out......
Gram G has been a bit sick the past 4 days.....has been devouring vitamin C tablets and LOTS of liquids. I am feeling better this Sunday night.
Presently my "office" is a small bathroom in our rented 3 bedroom condo which is housing 7 adults, 3 teen age boys, 3 girls --9, 14, 17....and 6 and 9 year old boys. This is the only place where no one is disturbed.....unless someone decides to use my office for other things.
This week holds 4-6 more days of family fun.
You all come back in a week or so to find out what!!
This has been 6 "plethora of family fun" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." (Revelation 4:11)
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