The only way to hike in the heat......sit for 30 minutes in the shade along the river....
Then move along after hearing a rattling sound that Gram G imagines a rattle snake would sound like..........
I would like to return to this area in cooler weather....Oh, yeah...
The Schmidt/Miller hiking group...
Driving through forest fire smoke while returning home.
Mt. Hood or not Mt. Hood? That is the discussed question. Gerry looked up mountains on his handy-dandy electronic device. Seems we are observing Mt. Jefferson in mid-Oregon. At 9 thousand something feet, it isn't much shorter than Mt. Hood at 10 thousand something ft.
There it is.....approaching Mt. Hood...
Maybe caught a glimpse of Sasquatch ....
Eddy, sleepy, and devouring
2 and 1/2 loaves of pumpernickel bread at Outback Steakhouse at dinner.
Tuesday Gram G took a reprieve at home to clean up the kitchen and do laundry while the menfolk found their way to

Al and Eddy
Gerry and Jude..
Gram stayed home because.......
Come 5:45AM on Wednesday she will be woke up with a rain storm directed only to the back outside wall of her bedroom..????
So....I go outside and check the back of my house. There is water running down the side of the house. The heat pump is all wet. I keep looking inside of it to see if there is something to see. Nope. Finally I notice a spray of water coming from the neighbor behind me. (Not the neighbor, but something from his yard.) He recently installed a sprinkling system and a hose broke and was spraying into the back of my house...
Sure glad it was his problem and not mine. I felt a bit sorry for calling him at 6 AM. I,m sure he was relieved the call was simply about a broken water hose.
Nancy and I were going on a senior day trip!!!!
To Mt. Rainier National Park...a 3 hour drive/ride on one of 3 Vancouver vans.
First stop (after a Micky D's stop and restroom stop) was Narada Falls. 'Tis a gorgeous, delicate falls flowing over a rainbow, which made the gruesome 45 degree slope walk down and up worth the effort.
Nancy and Gram G with
Mt. Rainier in background
When I walked to a different area to get a better view of the mountain I heard a ceremony going on. I didn't go too close, but I could discern that it was for individuals becoming United States citizens! I felt privileged to witness this, even from a distance.
There were clusters of delicate light blue butterflies
We left about 4:30 and stopped for refreshments at the edge of the park. Once we were on the Interstate our van wavered sideways a lot. We weren't sure what was the cause....the road, the van or the driver. It was quite unnerving a couple instances. When we arrived back at the senior center out driver commented that the van needs a lot of attention. Glad we were back safely about 8PM.
Thursday we ladies enjoyed lunch at Olive Garden before Gerry, Gemma and Jude had to leave for the airport at 4 for flight back to San Diego. (Al, Eddy and Autumn had boarded a "red eye" flight at 1:45 AM on Wed. into Minneapolis,3 hours later to Milwaukee, WI, find their car and drive 3 hours north to a doctor appointment following Al's elbow surgery, then drive another 2 hours home to Park Falls through heavy storms. Thanks, Al, Autumn and Eddy for such heroic efforts to come visit me.)
Seems wasps were busy constructing a new home under the hatch back of Ted while Gram G was gone for 6 weeks....Ted must not seal tight. Glad the wasps got the message to "take a hike" way.
'Twas a great time with lots of memories to recount and pictures to look at.
On this Sunday evening, the last day of July, and after a 2 mile walk (hike?) I am watching the first story of Lord of the Rings while catching up on blogging.
Now it is time to clean the house, rest a bit, list upcoming local activities, refocus on daily life, schedule doctor/dentist/eye appointments and continue with walks....AKA hiking conditioning.
This has been a good 7 "way to hike" days in the life of Grandma G.
"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." (Psalms 37: 23 & 24)
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