Five of us stayed on the upper area with Bonnie.
Those with families pitched their tents in a lower area close to playground and pool.
The lake was a couple mile drive from the campsites. We had a great time watching the children swim and the boats coming in and out.
What do YOU see?
I see a VERY tall person with green hairy legs walking with his/her skinny walking stick.....
Actually I only see his/her tall green hairy legs....and part of the walking stick
We devoured a gourmet camp out dinner....
And then Gram G and 4 others headed back to Bonnie's "lake house".
After S'mores we watched the night sky and the stars. Folks were giving me a hard time because I could not find kept moving around...they said it was slightly red. Then they told me the moving red stars were airplanes.
Bonnie made up my bed with air mattress, sleeping bag and Hersey chocolate on my pillow.
Then time to say goodnight.
Gram G's first experience sleeping alone in a the fresh the dark.....I will be brave.....
And I was until 2:30 AM. Slept soundly....until a howling sound woke me up. Sounded like a coyote in distress. I would have been alright except I remembered Bonnie saying there are no bears in the campground, but also remembered our pastor saying he saw bear scat near the mini-golf course. What are those noises I hear???
I took all my snacks into the house before I went to sleep. Oh, there is a bag of sugar in my overnight bag. (Healthy raw sugar) Will that attract a bear? I lay there pondering that, occasionally shifting position to get comfortable and enjoy the fresh air.
Oh, oh....I hear soft walking sounds on the gravel...I really do. Hopefully it is a deer and NOT a bear. But wait....does a deer OR a bear carry a flashlight? NOW I am wishing it were an animal. What is someone doing sneaking around at 4 AM? My heart is beating a bit rapid by now. Then I remember that this campers hide away is a gated community and no one gets in or out without a key.
I decide that Paul, in the tent not too far from me, has taken their little dog out to do his little dog duty.
Just ready to relax, remember that the Lord is taking care of me and time for more sleep. Except a pack of coyotes are now howling and howling and howling. Seems like 20 minutes or more. But is almost predawn....daylight is coming soooooon and I am asleep. Only to wake to daylight and voices in the trailer house. Yeah! It is 8:30. Slept like a baby....all night I did.....sorta.
Once all 5 of us are up and talking, Paul agrees with me about the howling coyote that sounded in distress and then he asks if anyone saw the flashlight moving about during the night. Oh, oh. That wasn't Paul or his little dog. He says he heard faint knocking on Bonnie's door. After much discussion and finding out it was not "security" walking about, Bonnie decided someone had taken a wrong turn after leaving the restrooms and couldn't find their campsite. I guess that makes sense even at 4 AM.
So ended my second camping experience. Maybe my last.
The morning sunlight through the evergreens was glorious as we went down to join the others for a camp breakfast.
It is a short walk to an beautiful overview of Lake Merwin and Mt. St. Helens.
We had an inspirational service outside at Meditation Point.
By early afternoon most of us had packed up and headed home....with refreshing memories and plans to return next summer.
Back home I longingly look at my bed, climb in and nap for 2 hours. Ah....good to be home....
Mt. St. Helens
This has been a good 5 "church camp" days in the life of Grandma G.
"I lift my eyes up to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalms 121:1)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Oh, yah, I'm in VANCOUVER, WA!!! Yeah!
Today ended 20 days of 3 senior sisters adventures. This morning I sent Betsy and Kate on their way to Indianapolis via Portland airport.
Today starts my new life adventure in Vancouver, WA!
Tonight I sleep alone in my new house. Betsy and Kate have kept me company and helped unpack the essentials. I have ventured out onto the interstate highway in busy traffic--have gotten lost only 3 times. Have freaked out only about 48 times. Kate has freaked out only about 56 times.
We did have a tourist afternoon on Tuesday, visiting the Fort Vancouver British trading fort and having a British style luncheon in the Grant house.
Official last 3 senior sisters photo
Thurs. Sept. 31. 2012
This afternoon I am sitting at a Starbuck's using their Wifi. It is painfully cold in here from their air conditioning. I still feel confused where I am. I keep thinking I am in Milwaukee. Guess it's the city environment, yet the subconscious disbelief that I am actually across the Rocky Mountains and in Vancouver, WA.
Tomorrow I am supposed to get internet at Grandma G's. Yeah!!
Tomorrow I will officially get into my new life at Creekside Estates by joining in the water aerobics.
Tomorrow I will design a new blog layout for autumn in the PNW.
Tomorrow will be another great day in the life of Grandma G.
This has been a good last of August day in the life of Grandma G.
"'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future'." (Jeremiah 29:11)
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