I thought about the past 6 days, busy yet, lazy.
I've been not feeling well from something these past days. Sunday and Monday were the worst.
So it was TIME....Something I've been putting off for the last several months...in fact the past 5 years. I decided it was time to visit the neighborhood urgent care facility on Sunday afternoon. I worked up enough courage to go and got there, only to find out they are closed on Sunday. Drove back Monday afternoon when they were open. Discovered I'd have to pay $75. I figured I wasn't THAT sick. Also found out that I needed to make a phone call to my HMO to have me "assigned" to that facility if I wanted insurance coverage. Then I would pay $5. That is worth a phone call. SO...back at home and on the phone with a dear lady who sounded more advanced in years than me, but she was patient and kind. After a series of inquiries and misunderstandings and "shear luck" of me asking the one pertinent question I got "assigned" to this facility.
The rest of this story is the secret that Gram G has an irrational fear of "going to the doctor". I have been here 4 years and am not acquainted with a primary care doc and I haven't had a physical for about 5 years. Time to get this chassis checked out and updated.
Packer-backer all the way!!
He has his first baby...my first great granddaughter... due late Sept.

That evening I went for a 2 mile walk in the cool 60 degrees weather before the 90's set back in.
Still working on preparing to join the easy hikers!
I saw on FaceBook that son, Gerry, had arrived safely in Honolulu in anticipation of running a Spartan race on Sat. He's out to get the 3rd piece of his metal while fund raising for Rady's children hospital in San Diego. (See details from Machu Picchu side links.)
I am starting to get back to the keyboard. I always forget that is the "missing satisfaction" when I've been away from it for awhile and start wondering why I am not feeling content and happy. Got a new gospel song started. Hope I can see it through to useful form. Now all I need is a helpful recording studio and lots of dollars. Anybody have access to either or both of these??
Wednesday through Sunday included getting blood drawn for the first time in 5 years to find out how "normal" I am, watching the 3 Hobbit movies (I got more into the story this time around.), did some plant trimming outside, thought about an upcoming baby shower, bought 6 yards of material for a secret project, AND
Went to Freddy's to get 2 prescriptions filled. One was $2 and the other was....$202...WHAT? That one got refused. Not that much in need anyway.
With my 4th anniversary on August 25th of becoming a Vancouver, WA citizen I thought it would be fun to go back to the corresponding date 4 years ago to see what I was doing and blogging these days of August.
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