How much time and thought would YOU invest to solve a Christmas decorating problem? How much time would YOU take to look for a set of favorite Christmas CDs?
Shortly after Thanksgiving I started looking for my Christmas CDs that I have enjoyed year after year. And like year after year once Christmas was over I had stashed somewhere just to quickly put them away until the following year when there would be more time to orderly organize and store all things Christmas.
I started out scavenging through a closet that I seemed to remember sticking them in a bag in that closet. No luck searching there. Maybe the closet in my bedroom. No. Maybe the guest room. No. That's enough looking for now.
A few days later my mind told me that with so much determination they MUST be in one of those locations. Repeat the whole process. No success.
Christmas can't start until those favorite tunes are filling the air. They must be somewhere in the teaching studio. Search through the walk in closet, the storage Jacuzzi tub, the bags crowding the room. No CDs. WHERE is that bag of music??
Couldn't even find suitable songs on the radio and even tried online recordings.
Guess I'll have to settle for a few cassette tapes I ran across. At least it's Christmas music. It took awhile to figure out how to play cassettes and rewind them. Finally seasonal tunes, even though they were accompanied with a loud buzzing.
Time to turn my efforts to decorating. Bill had set up the tree, put on the lights and brought in several boxes of decorations for me.
A fond memory I have from 60 years ago while living with my Aunt Emma in Wisconsin was the "bubble lights" she put on the Christmas tree every year.
So a number of years ago when I found a box of them in a store I bought them. Every year for several years I have tried to figure out how to put them on display even though I didn't want them in the tree itself. It was awkward since the base was small with the intent of it being clipped to tree branches. Last year I bought a chunk of thin green styrofoam but couldn't figure out how to make them stand up.
When Bill and Amanda were here she suggested displaying them on the fireplace mantel, hanging them from plastic hooks already there. The drawback was she thought they were icicles meant to hang down from the cord. Nope....
All my ducks (err..bubble lights) in a row, standing attention along with the tin soldiers!!
Do you think Command Brand will send me a bonus check for endorsing their handy holders??
What's that? Why tin soldiers, you ask?? And not graceful silver reindeer and Christmas tree that Gram G had up last year and the year before and.... BECAUSE...she found the soldiers, and not the graceful silver reindeer and Christmas tree.
HOWEVER....when she went looking for them and thought maybe they had been stashed in a closet in the storage bathroom, she found.....
The CD's!! And a box of Christmas cards...
Now with her new $20 CD player Christmas music can fill the air without skips, repeats, squeals and blanks....
Tell me something I didn't already know.....
Frodo is a close friend of mine...
Red Hat Mamas' Christmas gathering at the Skill Center in Vancouver. High schoolers can attend classes on cooking and restaurant work, beauty salon skills and pre-law. They attend their regular schools in the mornings and spend the afternoons at the center. When they graduate from high school they are trained for several job opportunities.
I moved out here to get away from this stuff.....
This has been a good 5 "Let Christmas Begin" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."
(Isaiah 9:2)
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