(11/28) I am very excited this week. Son Bill with his family are coming up from San Diego for the weekend. However, my house is very messy; the floors haven't been vacuumed and mopped since the middle of August. There is stuff laying on every available surface. (When one is out and about having fun, there is simply no time to keep the "piles" at bay.)
The sidewalks and driveway is literally black from so much rain. I called the park handyman, Tim, about mid morning on Monday to see what are the chances he "power washes" and if he could do that for me in the next 2 days.
On the phone he was saying how he doesn't power wash in the winter because it is cold and rainy, but he would come over and take a look.
He agreed to do it and was back with his equipment within a half hour....2 hours later he was done...
Back into the house to continue vacuuming then mopping with vinegar water followed by drying them with towels under my feet. (These laminate floors are not suppose to be wet for long.)
All set for a new generation of wee visitors to Gramma G's house!!
Wednesday was more of the same cleaning. But also included checking the furnace filters.
I guess this is the black and white/the yin and yang/the time for a change.. Fresh air for my house guests...
I wasn't going to do any Christmas decorating just yet, but when shopping I "had" to purchase a real evergreen garland and found some just right large colored lights to go with them.
Now, you need to understand that Gram G has an obsession problem. If an idea gets into my head, it needs to be completed no matter what. I NEED to do some bit of outdoor decorating for my family company that is coming. Everything NEEDS to be just right.
Now....15 minutes later...you don't. Ah.. the great PNW...
Arriving at Gram G's house and meeting Auntie Debbie on a Thursday afternoon...
Learning to make Gram G's famous dumplings to start a new tradition in San Diego. Dumpling dinner party...
Checking out Portland on a rainy Friday afternoon
Keeping the local beat.....
cousin Angie!
Oldest and youngest of 8 girl and 11 boy
Portland after dark with cousin Zach.
Happy hobbit hearts...
Debbie, Amanda, Bill,
Gram G, Angie, Berklee


San Diego hobbits in the PNW....
This has been a good 10 "PSW meets PNW" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."
This has been a good 10 "PSW meets PNW" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."
(Psalms 145: 17 & 18)
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