Sat. March 31, 2018
Gerry and Debbie get married!!
Near Pasadena, CA
Introducing Gerry and Debbie Schmidt!!
Lots of good food....
MOST of the GeoLou Schmidt Clan.....Gram G with her 7 children and new daughter-in-law!!
Sunday afternoon trek to Griffith Park and observatory...
Hollywood sign and Geo
I've never seen a large telescope....
a little smog over LA....
A Tiny Dino Tale......
At daughter Angie's motel there was this tiny dino on the lobby table. It looked friendly enough and Angie wanted to pet it. turned on Angie...and....and....and...started to devour her head!! Oh My!!
Poor, Poor dear daughter, what is happening....?
The beastly, horrible little thing completely engulfed Angie's head..
She is now known as DINO MOM....
A sunny afternoon at the Carlsbad beach....
FINALLY....I get to see the Carlsbad flower fields in bloom!!
So many times I've been by them but never at the proper season...

And then it was time to fly home.
But Wait....there will be more come September....
Wedding, that is....
I have been home for 3 weeks....haven't blogged for 2 weeks. I'm not lazy, just lazy at blogging. Spring has arrived here in the PNW. That means time outside cleaning up my gardens.
You all come back now, you hear? Find out what has been happening for Gram G besides spring!
This has been a good 14 family fun days in the life of Grandma G.
"On the third day a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him,'They have no more wine'. 'Woman, why do you involve me?' Jesus replied. 'My time has not yet come.' His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you'."
(John 2:1-5)
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