But I am back!!
On Mother's Day I enjoyed viewing our local mountain peak, Mt. Hood....
On a sunny, hot afternoon Deb and Keys took me for a ride to a new riverfront park and pier on the Columbia River. The weekend was unusually hot for mid May, the temp soaring to 90. The clear views of the mountain were spectacular! The river was flowing high because of mountain snow melt.
A double barge pushed up river by two tugs
enjoying the shade
Logs caught in the flooded river bank....
Some day I am going to be as tall as this rock....
Majestic Mountain.....
Gram G, too....
A walk along the pier....
The walkway was in sections and swaying with the waves...
I was a bit sea sick....
Glimpses of PNW Spring.....
hope they are not alive....
nope, just tree thingies...
tiny song bird in the tree top.....

north Washington....
(Son, Gerry, photo)
It's all in the perspective.....
Family memory stepping stone patio put in place....

This has been a good 21 mountain peak days in the life of Grandma G.
"In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be established as the highest of mountains; it will be exalted above all hills and all nations will stream to it." (Isaiah 2:2)
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