On Friday, May 18 I went for a senior trip to visit Mt. St. Helen's. It was the day of the 38th anniversary of the eruption. It was cool the date was May 18, 18. I was excited to go since I had not been on a senior trip for over 18 months. The weather was forecast for warm, though possible cloudy. We had an enjoyable hour drive before our first stop at an information center off Interstate 5.
Views of the Toutle River
As we ascended the mountain highway the weather became cloudy and then foggy.....
YO! Majestic Mt. St. Helen's....
The lack of viewing the mountain was a disappointment, especially for those who had never been there. I had been there twice before, so could visualize the scene behind the fog...
With the warm/hot weather now here, it is time to clean up the deck and both small yard gardens....
Enjoy a virtual tour of Gram G's tea garden...
Mommy and daddy dragon waiting for baby to hatch...
Petunias, my favorite summer flower and fragrance....
Newly added bamboo. I've wanted some for a long time. They will stay in a planter. I hear they will take over the ground if planted.
Carpet of miniature New Zealand Brass Buttons....
Family memory stepping stone patio...
OH! A garden snake!!
It is wonderful to spend time outside in the sun and warm air. There is a little song bird that visits almost every day. Unfortunately I can't picture his song....
This has been a good 7 "Mt.St. Helen's and More" days in the life of Grandma G.
"For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud." (Exodus 24:16-17)
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