Sunday I went for a late afternoon walk. The sky was mostly blue with sunshine. Tiny birds were twittering, crows cawing and a distant mourning dove was cooing her solo. A few folks were out mowing their lawns so the fragrance of fresh mowed grass lingered in the air mixed with
perfumed scent of spring flowers. It was a glorious stroll in the midst of challenging times.
This has been an active time for me during this season of social distance. Actually that is physically distant and socially connected.
I took time to reserve plane tickets for summer travel with trust that public life will be more normal by then. Check back early June to see how that has played out.
I also made reservations at a British B & B in Victoria on Vancouver Island for August 2021 to celebrate my 75th B-day. That way I can say I simply stayed in Vancouver for my B-day.

She and I spent over 30 years raising our families in Park Falls. She had 6 boys and I had 5 boys and 2 girls. When they were younger we had many family adventures together. Our favorite memory is the kids (along with 2 other boy cousins) making home made pizza on New Years Eve...15 cousins partying in my house until midnight! (We may have had a few neighbor kids in also.)
Betty is dearly missed by me.

What does one do if one wants to send Easter cards and one is not suppose to venture out to the store? How about free download from the internet?
Hmmmm, I have card stock on reserve for the past 8 years, color ink in my printer (hopefully),regular mailing envelopes and colorful "celebrate" stamps. Arts and crafts time! Perfect for self distancing....

Which brings me to something I am grateful for this particular situation in life. DIGITAL ERA!
We are blessed to be able to communicate instantly with family and friends, to find entertainment, check info, create, etc.
Sometimes I find it confusing, frustrating and a very demanding learning curve, but it is the way of now and the future. Besides, I find it so fun to be using "devises" that were presented, but only Sci-fi, on Star Trek in the 80's and 90's. I still feel like a Star Fleet officer when I Skype with anyone from my star ship....

I had a really fun Monday afternoon! I sent this picture out to my 7 kids and their mates, and most of grand kids. I
had them guess who it is.

No one guessed that it was mom/grandma G!
They were astonished it was ME! 1956 at my Aunt Emma's house. I can see a resemblance to my sons....if I were a boy.
This has been a good GeoGram week in the life of Gram G.
"Peace I [Jesus] leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)
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