What to do? What to do? while social distancing alone in the shelter of your home?
The Great Woosaloodle (woosanudeln?) Challenge! (water noodles in German?)
Saturday, one of my sons texted to ask if I had a recipe that their Grandma Rose from Park Falls made for family many years ago....
I dug out my musty 50 year old cookbook of personal recipes. I couldn't find it, but decided I could probably come close...(most of those recipes were various proportions of flour, egg, milk, salt). I found a recipe for homemade noodles in an older cookbook. Sunday I experimented.
Basically the dish is thick fresh noodles, boiled and then cooked with scrambled eggs. I used butter, but Gram Rose probably used lard or bacon grease. A meal to sustain one during an afternoon of farming, hand washing laundry, weeding the massive garden or logging.
Enjoying the food for brunch, I thought it pretty much resembled what I remember from many, long years ago....my son/sons have not yet responded that they have tried making it.

Using the cabbage left over from last week's cabbage rolls, the remaining noodles, butter, salt and a hunk of kielbasa from the freezer I came up with SDSD!
Grate cabbage and saute in pan with butter and little salt, mix in warmed up noodles, keep sauteing, then mix in fried pieces of kielbasa. Add pepper to taste. WALA!! SDSD!!
Pairs well with whatever you watch on the telly.
I have discovered an inexpensive do at home COVID-19 test. Don't shower for 3 days and if you can smell yourself, you probably don't have the virus. This works best if you live alone. I'm quite sure I don't have it.
Sunday afternoon was chilly, but partially sunny.
A good time for a 2 mile walk in between our several days of rain. It is our season of pink snow.

I took the day off today, Wednesday. I took it off from listening to the news and latest reports. I needed a break to rest in the familiar and routine.
I talked with one of my sons to schedule future travel and family activities. The sun came out later in the day so I could walk 2 miles in the crisp air. Watched some Star Trek while stretching and relaxed to the old movie, Stand By Me. It was filmed in this area and I hadn't seen it before. I am feeling restful and ready to face the present realty come morning.
I had decided to order groceries for pick up. I can pick them up a week from tomorrow. Guess I will rethink that approach.
I invite you to read the second chapter, part 1 of
I Will Not Leave You....(2. My Foster Family)
This has been a good GeoGram week in the life of Grandma G.
"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust'...You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday." (Psalm 91:1,2-5,6)
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