Thursday, May 30, 2024

It's All About FAMILY!

Springtime has been very family active for me!
Early April, along with viewing the total solar eclipse in Indianapolis, 
I enjoyed visiting my family!

A drive to West Lafayette, IN
to visit my foster sisters! 
Sister Kate and me with Susie and Becky 

Kate and me with Stephanie and 
great nephew Ray who attends Purdue University

Kate and me with brother John
Kate and me with sister, Paula
Kate and me with sister Betsy and three nieces!

Sadly, Betsy's husband, Lynn, passed on a few days after my visit.  Happily, I was able to enjoy his company twice while there.


Back in Vancouver, an evening meal and Labyrinth game with friend, Kahana

May 1st, on to San Diego to attend high school musical, 
Catch Me If You Can! granddaughter Gemma had several dancing and singing parts!

Post performance family photo...
Jude, Gram G, Gemma, Debbie, Gerry

Ocean sunset with Gerry

Saturday afternoon with Amanda, Bill and Berklee who attended evening performance
Meeting Kitty robot who/which/that served our food!


Home again...

Mother's Day with first born, Debbie!!

Viewing the aurora borealis 

Ladies' out to lunch at 
Kyoto's Japanese Steakhouse for Hibachi

Gotta put out the fire!!

Lovely view of Mt. St. Helen's that blew its top May 18, 1980 at 8:32 AM

Jake giving Ted a 2 hour spa treatment to scrub off built up pollen and grime!

Jude and Gerry coming up from San Diego for a few days visit in the PNW!

Gram and Jude's Labyrinth tournament...
winner out of 5. nope; winner out of 7, nope;
how about 4/4 so we are both winners and happy!!

Gerry meeting up with Park Falls high school friend, Brenda Scott, who operates 
Muddyfish  ceramics shop in Boring, Oregon

Showing her home constructed wood burning kiln  

Ceramics workshop

Checking out Big Foot Center!
Lots of sightings in Washington and Oregon!

Family "Sunday Roast"!

How Does one prepare ribeye "just right"?
Study a book of anti-gravity propulsion and
keep a graft of time and temperature of cooking meat... 

Touring Pittock Mansion in Portland

Ghost of Pittock Mansion pondering his fate...
Old time shower!

Overlooking Portland

Large, yummy burgers at a local old time dive!

Oh, Gnome You Don't game time...
rowdy troublemaking gnomes

Gram G is invited and attends 
 Nainoa's three year old graduation!!
Memorial Day cookout of grilled burgers and homemade French fries. 
Bring on the summer!!

This has been a many pictures post.  Be glad I deleted 2/3 of them!!  This has also been a fun, busy spring for me.  I miss family and social activities when they are over.  My energy level plummets quickly.  Partly because I need a rest, but also adrenalin is missing. I don't get excited about dishes, laundry, paying the bills, etc...if you know what I mean.  I am learning to appreciate the quiet days between the active ones; to sleep in and not worry about a schedule or expectations.   My psyche hasn't yet assured me that it's OK to slow down, relax, just live, simply go with the flow, whatever the day brings.  But I think it is starting to break though and that is a nice feeling!  

This has been a good 4 GeoGram weeks in the life of  Gram G.

"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness to their children's children."  (Psalm 103:17)

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