On Thursday, April 18, six of us ladies of the Creeekside Garden club went to enjoy the Wooden Shoe tulip festival near Woodburn, Oregon.
I had heard of available tethered balloon rides and was hoping to experience one. However the day was quite windy, too windy for the balloons to be safe. (Web page photo)
not too windy for...
When pigs fly!
It was a magnificent day for KITES!
Kite clubs have great fun!!
Beyond your average tulip...
Fresh Tulip in a wooden shoe!
A little history of wooden shoes...
The demonstrator lady has worn her shoes for 40 years!
There's even one for bigfoot.
Good thing he's BigFOOT and not BigFEET
Wooden shoes are carved from poplar tree wood.
Interesting facts...
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I am privileged and gratified to socialize with ladies in our "Over 55" park. I appreciate and admire the ladies who get out on the Interstate and drive around the area. And are willing to take those of us who are not so brave! I am happy for the adventurous ladies who want to go to activities in the Pacific Northwest and that I am well enough to join them!
This has been a good 3 Geogram weeks in the life of Gram G.
"Consider how the lilies of the field grow: they do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these. If that is how God cloths the grass of the field, which is here today and gone tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will he not much more cloth you, oh you of little faith." (Matthew 6: 28-30)
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