Fourteen days from now I will be at my new home in Vancouver,WA! Yeah! Four days from now should be the start of
My 2 sisters will be arriving here around midnight. Don't think I will be much company at that point.
This morning Jeff came over to run off 11 songs for a copyright CD. It wasn't going to bother with it, but I am glad he encouraged me to get it done. Now they will be ready for me to work on when I find a studio in Vancouver.
I also picked up the key for the Uhaul truck that my guys will use to pack my stuff to haul to Wausau to repack into a UPAK pod. It sounds involved to me, but the guys said that is preferable to packing a Uhaul and driving to Vancouver. Whatever works. All I have to do is pack about 40 boxes of STUFF.
Today was to be the (almost) final thrust of getting boxes packed. I worked a bit and then senior age hit me and I had to rest. Fortunately the fatigue passed and I was able to get a fair amount done. I think I have things to a manageable point.
Two different parties came to pick up furniture that they bought from me. A lady called to say she and her daughter will buy a keyboard and a piano. Yeah! Great news.
I did have a very big scare. Two night ago I know I was looking at my new passport and figuring I needed to put it in a safe but accessible place since I'll need it to pass in and out of consciousness---sorry, make that Canada. Today for some reason I thought I better check where the passport is. I COULD NOT FIND IT. I searched purses and boxes and searched them again. Then I searched them again. Nothing. I figured I must have tossed it into one of the 5 bags of paper recycling on the porch OR stashed it in one of the oodles of boxes that are packed. After an hour I decided I needed to get back to packing. Tomorrow the younger grand kids and I can dump out the bags and search for a small dark blue booklet. The worse that can happen is that I'll sit in Glacier Park while the others are enjoying Banff.
This evening I glanced through a small box of paper stuff that I am taking along. HMMMM....there was a middle sized cardboard envelope that looked official. MAYBE. JUST MAYBE.... AND...there it was. I get to pass in and out of C.....
I just received a call that my sisters and their driver/s are about 20 minutes south of here. It is past midnight and I will be somewhat sociable and then scurry us off to bed. All (most) of the preparations have been made and tomorrow it is time to start packing the moving truck.
This has been a good last Park Falls Friday in the life of Grandma G.
"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rest with the Lord." (Proverbs 21:31)
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