Today Louie and I drove 90 miles north to Bayfield, WI, a port town on the west shore of Lake Superior. Lake Superior is my favorite place in Wisconsin. But before that was another story.
I still had a lot of items from the music store. With only 12 days remaining I need to make decisions and clear out more of them. I had contacted a pawn shop in Ashland several weeks ago. I figured as long as we were driving through I would take up some boxes and see what he would give me. I knew I wouldn't get much, but I was hoping for $300.
The owner was willing to look through what I had (5 boxes). He offered me $100. I bargained (begged) with him for a bit, then accepted the $100. I don't even want to admit my buying cost of everything. When one is desperate and in a time crunch one does what one has to do. He was agreeable to a picture. I know why he has a smile on his face.
Ashland is built along Chequamegon Bay. There is a small swimming beach on the road as you leave the town.
Several years ago I was walking along the beach looking for "pretty rocks" when I found the rock in this necklace. It is sandstone with what I think is a leaf fossil. The shape of the rock with the imprint made for a perfect necklace setting. It's not a diamond or a pearl, but I KNOW there in not another one like it in the entire world! It is my gift from God.
The day was very hot--in the 90's. Lou sat in the shade while I visited favorite spots for the last time. something interesting that I had never seen before was a cruise ship. It appears to be from New York, NY. It must have passed through the Great Lakes system in order to arrive here.
Ferry boat harbor and view of Bayfield from the main dock.
The "Island Princess" will take you on tours of the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior. Very enjoyable.
One of my favorite stores
Tonight's show was the premiere presentation of
Play Ball, a musical tribute Lou loved the nostalgia of major league baseball. I enjoyed the music while secretly imagining me writing a musical tribute to something.
(Warren Nelson, sitting)
This has been a good "going to Lake Superior" day in the life of Grandma G.
"The earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:9)
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