When I went outside this morning to go to church I was met with a blast of cold wind. The temperature was in the low 60s. Though the sun was bright and warm the air was telling me that summer had turned a corner and was on the way out.
This tree is showing the first signs of autumn approaching. Even as I drove out town a flock of geese was flying southeast. (This a good time to listen to Come September)
The chill in the air remained throughout the day. It was telling me its time for this bird to migrate west---Pacific Northwest. So many years and plans have gone into this change in my life. Yet it is suddenly here and I think, "If only I had more time". There are several "formal" goodbyes I wanted to say, places to visit one more time, memory photos to take. But when time crushes in only the most urgent needs are taken care of.
Here is a brief list of what I "see" myself doing the next number of years:
Teach piano
Compose music
Record CDs and DVDs
Create a rock garden in front of my house
Sort out pictures, recipes and albums for my kids
Take walks (up hill)
Frame scenery pictures to sell at art fairs
Go back to school for music (maybe)
With having put in lots of packing hours yesterday I concentrated on other things today. I said more goodbyes at church with this being my last official service in Park Falls as a resident.
There were more farewells at the grocery store as I had one item to buy, but met up with a few friends. At home there was computer preperations to be worked on.
I had a pleasant social interlude with 13 members of my family when we met for late lunch at a local restaurant. (Sorry--or maybe,Yeah--no picture)
AND... Happy 9th B-day, Ryan!!
(How about a B-day kiss?)
This has been a good "change in the air" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
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