There were 9 ladies at the workout. Afterwards I chatted a bit while we soaked in the hot tub. They gave me pointers on how to get out of the parking lot at Fred Meyers and told me of a back street that makes the travel easier. They informed me of a store close by that has good buys and sales.
I also met Frank and Trixie. Trixie is a little brown wiener dog. Guess she is known and catered to by the entire community. Frank seems like a friendly fellow who has lived here for 7 years. We had a pleasant chat. He has not been to northern Wisconsin.
Since I relaxed and wiled away the morning I told myself I had to have "work time" from noon until 6PM. There is a mountain of paper work that needs to be attended to. Most of my available surfaces look like mini tornadoes have blown through. I did manage to plow through some of it. Not a lot, though.
I was feeling very "in" when after a phone call I realized I needed to receive a fax----I have a fax on my copier, and the guy on Sat. set me up with the required cord to go with it. All was great until I couldn't get it to work. I REALLY dislike technology stuff. So.... no fax, that's the facts. And... my Wifi isn't working.
By late afternoon life was feeling a bit boring and isolated. I continued with "work time" while dreaming of walking this evening. Still too warm to walk eary evening and I gave into watching an ok movie, followed by an hour trying to remember how to play my piano pieces. Oops! Can't remember most of them. Ouch. All the more reason to find a professional printing company to print my music!
It is off to bed now for more adventures tomorrow. I take the car into a shop near here--and near the mall. The "check engine soon" light lit up during most of our drive through Glacier Park and Canada, went off and has now been back on. Hurray for faithful buggy in getting us here!
Tomorrow evening will be my first monthly pot luck here at the park. Busy day!
Enjoy a few Kate's pictures from Banff, Canada
street markers
Banff Springs Hotel dedicated 1888
funcky tree trunks
Vicki and Cow
This has been a good "mixed" day in the life of Grandma G.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)
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