Angie called from Milwaukee, WI. We talked quite awhile. She is planning on coming out for Thanksgiving. The Trans Siberian Orchestra is performing in Portland on Nov. 25. We hope to go to that. (Last Christmas season I TRIED to see their performance in Milwaukee, but a cancelled flight due to bad weather "up north" cancelled that as well for me.)
Later in the day I decided to explore the blackberry patch folks told me about. It was a pleasant surprise to find some open space (green space) right behind my community. So an hour blackberry picking and a half hour walk lightened my spirit!
Creekside Taxi Service....
Chuck called from Milwaukee. He had participated in a "Tough Mudder" obstacle race on Saturday. It was highly challenging, if not crazy. He also talked about the Birthday party for Olivia and Louisa---they had a "bounce house" for party goers and neighbors kids. I told him I am well except for felling alright in the city traffic. It is comforting to talk with family from the Midwest.
This has been a good "win some, lose some" day in the life of Grandma G.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." (Romans 8:28)
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