I took Gamma to school for the last day of the week. On the way into school I asked her if the school gives her something to drink with the lunch that she brings. She said no; I am suppose to put water in with her lunch. OOPS. One didn't know that. But she said that she can go get a glass of water at school.
View into the shopping complex.
Ducks chilling out in front of the store
Typical store front
Back home I decided to chill out for the mid day. Sitting on the back patio I soaked in the home ambiance while allowing my mind to wander and debate a decision I needed to make.
California blue skies and white clouds
Patio "back yard"
Grandma G could totally get used to this California life! I am privileged to enjoy it for 12 days.
Soon it was time to pick up Gemma for the end of the school week. After some playtime she and Jude had a late dinner. Gemma and I watched a digitally enhanced DVD of Bambi. (That was probably the 2nd movie I watched as a kid--60 years ago.) Interesting how movie styles have changed, but Gemma loves the story. Jude and I watched the new Alice and Wonderland. I hadn't seen it and enjoyed it.
With the kids gone to bed, that ended my watch for the week. Gerry was to be home about midnight. Come Saturday AM I will be in visiting mode. The week went well, the time passed quickly and I know Gemma and Jude better than I did 8 days ago.
This has been a good last grandchild care day in the life of Grandma G.
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)
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