My honey do handyman came this morning. He worked steady for 5 hours----mostly putting a desk together. It was a grown man's Lego set, erector set, 1,000 piece puzzle and model plane set all rolled into one challenging desk. It looks very nice, is sturdy and usable for a long time. He also re-assembled the futon from Park Falls. It took a couple tries since there was no worksheet to follow.
Early AM office.....folding table for a desk
I now have a nice, comfy, office to work in!!
Since Australia has been a theme this week, let it continue to be so---Tasmania to be specific.
Ever since childhood going to Tasmania intrigued me. It was my Indiana Jones wildest dream; my great safari; my trip to the outer edges; my Alice in Wonderland experience.
Indeed it WAS that and much more. Tasmania is a beautiful country. The people very friendly. The history rich in human stamina. The presence of the Tasmanian Devil exotic and fun.When I drink from my Tasmanian cup (though it does favor right handedness) I fondly relive the energy and exuberance of life in Tasmania. Sometimes wrapping my fingers around the narrow, high shape of the cup I again embrace the friendliness of the folks. (Though on one occasion I did get scolded. While touring the Cadbury factory we were allowed to take samples of the candy--a certain number per person. I was trying to get one small bar for each of my 18 grandchildren. The lady attendant saw me and kindly told me such actions were forbidden.) THE END
The Customs House hotel in Hobart where Kate and I stayed
In Hobart/Mt. Wellington

Beautiful southern coast of Tasmania
This has been a good first PNW rainy day in the life of Grandma G.
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Matthew 5:44 & 45)
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