I've been having trouble with my WIFI for several weeks. Finally called to have the rep come out. He was professional about it and kept apologizing for defective equipment. Hopefully all is resolved.
The side effect of the morning visit was a not fully functional day. I did take a walk late morning when the sun peeked out. Nice walk and got some fall photos.
Sun break in the clouds
I'm Feeling MOOSE better!
PNW Bunny
The afternoon and evening passed with a nap, a trip to space (Star Trek), an hour of stretches, cooking beef roast with potatoes, carrots and LOTS of gravy, and kitchen clean up (including the floor). Whew! Sure glad for that nap!
Redwood tree in senior center parking lot
I drove to Deb's Sunday evening for a home cooked meal of meat loaf (Deb couldn't stand it as a child) and mashed potatoes, preceded by and followed by pumpkin cleaning, carving, baking seeds AND Trader Joe's pumpkin cheese cake for dessert--well, mine after I paid for it.
I drove home peacefully and successfully in the dark later in the evening. Imagine my surprise on Monday afternoon when I peeked out the front door to check temperature and spots of blue sky.....
....To Find My Set of Keys Hanging in the Lock.....
........OH, MY..............
Into every life some rain must fall---literally and figuratively, but still real. That happened on both levels to me today----Monday. While the rain was pouring down from super sized buckets, my former life relationship was ending via the telephone. I knew this day would come. I kept ignoring it; maybe it would just go away. But decision time had come. Lou and I worked with lawyers to settle financial issues in order to finalize our divorce. That is such a tragic word, though at times it is necessary. How I wish I could tell a "happy ever after" story, but I can't. "Peaceful ever after" hopefully will be my story.
We all know that this doesn't happen just over night. Years of turmoil proceed the final decsion. Yet that actual time is a shock. Today was my actual time. We settled the facts as best we could and signed the paper. I am sad for me and I am sad for Louie, because I still love him and deeply wanted something better for both of us. Now all I can do is make the better for myself and learn to remain a friend to Lou. Here's to celebrating family--7 kids, mates and 18 grandkids.
GeoLou Schmidt Family at Mt. Rushmore National Park,
June 2012
Debbie, Gerry, Burt, Chuck, Bill, Al, Angie
This has been a good 3 mixed weather days in the life of Grandma G.
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalms 34:18)
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