I have secretly searched for a red hat to buy. With my small head hats are difficult to fit. The search is still on, but not secretly anymore. I do have a red knit cap with a large white maple leaf on the front. Souvenir of Canada, eh. Also had already bought my purple shirt.
I hadn't signed up to go so I didn't know if I would be welcomed or sent on my way. I didn't know what the surprise outing was so didn't know what to wear. But at 11AM I hurried back to the rec center to be welcomed by the other Red Hatters. And welcomed I was. We were going for lunch at a seafood restaurant. Oh well, so what that I have a seafood allergy. Hanging out with new Red Hatter friends was worth the risk. One lady assured me they have other foods as well.
"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn't go...."
(Jenny Joseph)
Can you find Elenore I and Elenore II? Donna I and Donna II? Georgia I and Georgia II?
Georgia was kind enough to offer me a ride to the restaurant and then stop at a couple stores with me. She also has a Canasta group at her house. I haven't gone yet, but think I will. It is rather weird to talk to Georgia and have Georgia respond to me. Fun.
The day continued to be a pleasant surprise of sunshine and a sunny walk in the late afternoon.

Grandma Rose and great granddaughter Angie August 2011
Senior Outing....Part 2..
(#1 monolith--- Rock of Gibraltar #2 monolith---Beacon Rock #3 monolith----Aryers Rock)
Enjoy Views of Columbia River and Cascade mountains.....
view from back left jump seat...notice bridge across the river (and the emergency exit sign)
getting into desert environment......
we drove 100 miles east of Vancouver, WA
Come back tomorrow for part 3 of Senior Outing...
Halloween Horror Picture # 6
This has been a good fun surprise day in the life of Grandma G.
"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." (Psalms 116:7)
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