Can she unplug and plug in the right cords into the right portals? Maybe......with speaker phone technician prompting.
About 6 weeks ago one of my sons signed me up for a different internet carrier. They sent me a
"do it yourself" connection kit. Great.....if you are a techy......I am NOT. sat around all this time, while I am sent bills from 2 different carriers. I figured it was time to plunge into the deep. There was the option of "voice help". So I called him and after several minutes of discussion and changing around wires with one hand and hanging onto the phone with the other, I got smart......Yep, smart.
It actually didn't take as long as I thought, nor was it as complicated as I thought. BUT...I still don't know if all is hooked up as it should be since I still have a few wires plugged into the "other" modem. And now after a few days, my laptop is smelling a bit "hot".
Tuesday I Skyped with a young lady friend who is attending school in the Midwest. We chatted face to face for almost an hour. It was great fun to catch up on the latest with her.
After a 40 minute walk in our 70 degree sunny weather I quick cleaned up for my 5 PM piano student. While waiting for him I passed the time playing piano. At 4:50 the door opened and in walked his grandma with an apology that he would not be here today because of a school program. They lost my phone number so couldn't call earlier. Well, that's show business....or piano lesson business... or whatever. Time to graciously smile and say thank you for letting me know.
Time to end the day watching Deadliest Catch and The Little Couple. Oh, yah...
"Can my Grandma G do it?"
This has been a good 4 "can she?" days in the life of Grandma G.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)