There are several definitions of "lull" put to sleep or rest by soothing means; to quiet down, let up, subside; a temporary calm, quiet or stillness; a pacified or stupefied condition. I'm guessing my "lull" is somewhere between subside and stupefied. This might be evidence that I am an adrenalin junky, senior citizen style.
I have not blogged because there doesn't seem like there is much to blog about.....kind of like, not much to brag about.
I have been "put to sleep or rest" (NOT the "do away" version) by quiet days here at home. They really aren't quiet when one considers the chores that beg to be done, the paperwork that is almost finished, the boxes from moving that still aren't emptied, a garage full of Halloween and Christmas decorations cluttering the floor and the outdoor clean up that beckons. SIGH....all that is just not as much fun as running off to the coast or flying away somewhere or planning family get togethers. SIGH.....but such "subside" days are necessary if any semblance of daily stability is to be attained.
Well, there is a San Diego/Indianapolis/San Diego Grandma and grandson trip coming up early summer. In the meanwhile MAYBE some home chore will actually get accomplished.
Saturday morning I was back to water aerobics. That is my gym, swim, social time here in the park. Sunday I enjoyed another 40 minute walk and Monday stretched for an hour. I am still working towards being able to walk at least 4 miles so I can join in an "easy" hike with the group hikers here in the city.
One's perception of the weather out here simply depends if one is looking to the left or to the right at the same moment in time.
Which white do you prefer....on the left or on the right?
Same day....Pacific Northwest vs northern Midwest 4/4/14
The many colors of early spring in Vancouver, WA
I've been putting in more serious piano practice with the targeted hope of "doing a show" here in the park in mid May. I'm trying to polish 11 songs to perform. Some I have forgotten. I have them recorded on the Clavinova, so it means listening and watching the lights indicating what notes to play. The songs are my babies, but, alas, mama has forgotten them. But not permanently. They are coming back to memory.
This phase of life here in the Pacific Northwest is ushering in the challenge to keep productively occupied while home alone most days. There is the need to get more involved with folks whether through a job or recruiting lots of students. Check back occasionally to see what evolves.
A friend had this on Face Book. It is just TOO good to not post.
I hope all my babbling has LULLED you into a temporary calm.
This has been a good 4 "lull" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
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