I actually haven't been lazy----only negligent about blogging. Tuesday I was up at 6:30 and off to water aerobics at 9. After, I spent a couple hours outside pulling weeds and cleaning up "wintered" plants to be ready for new flowers.
A couple perennials survived to begin anew.
It is a new learning process to do this stuff on my own.
The rest of the day was spent practicing piano for my hoped for program in May and working on Scriptures for sharing in church this coming Sunday.
Wednesday was "ladies lunch out". We went to Beaches restaurant next to the Columbia River.
The picture a little blurry but a group of sharp ladies!!
Son, Gerry, and granddaughter, Gemma.

In the afternoon I was so tired from getting up early the past 2 mornings I TOOK A NAP......not a common thing for me.....2 hours worth.....made up for the 2 hours lacking the previous nights. I am an 8 hour sleep a night lady.....sometimes 9. Otherwise I could audition for one of those zombie movies and get a leading role...
This morning..Thursday....at aerobics.....as we were soaking and chatting in the hot tub.....2 ladies asked about the monthly pot luck here in the park. It was to be held this evening. I haven't gone since Christmas. They were wanting to go since they are newer here than I am. They also want to develop friendships. I decided to go with them since I, too, want to foster closer friendships. So.....what to take without having to drive to the grocery....decided on brownies and pesto tortellini with spaghetti sauce. Easy enough....though checking out my messy kitchen one would think I had cooked a full gourmet meal.
It was good to go. Good to engage with folks here in the park. I am starting to feel like an "old timer" as several new residents have moved in. Of course, we ladies chatted away and made plans to go together to various senior travel trips. It's a rough life, but someone has to do it and I volunteer.
This is not a ladies' environment. There are many couples and single guys here, too. I simply hang out with the ladies....until the appropriate handsome, strong, generous, work-around the house, just the right age, likes to take me traveling, fellow comes along. Smile.....
This has been a good 3 "developing friendships" days in the life of Grandma G.
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)
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