It's been a week since the molar extraction. I didn't expect it to have such an impact on me. A week of recovery. Feels like a huge crater in my gum. Hopefully, though, I will generally feel better now that it is out.
Saturday I was still enduring the effects. A few weeks earlier I had committed to playing keyboard for Sunday services of the new small church I've started attending. I didn't think I would that particular morning. But the pastor had sent a song list to me and I thought I should at least try. ( I was eager to go someplace after being home for 5 days.) And try I did, though feeling rather weak. As the morning went on I regained some strength. I was glad to have gotten back into life.....even more glad to be privileged to play for the services.
For the afternoon? Well, a 2 hour nap, of course. And then TV.
Life here has turned a corner for me. Most of the basic transitions have been accomplished. Now I need to look for meaningful involvement which includes an income. Guess some people would call that a job. Oh Ya.... My main focus is to advertise to build up piano student clients. I'm not fond of the idea of actually getting a job at a store. There are a few other options, but time, circumstance and energy levels will dictate what will work out. This is a rather strange awareness. I need to identify who I am for the next 10-15 years. Some folks refer to this as an identity crisis. That is exactly correct.
This has been a good 3 "small happy surprises" days in the life of Grandma G.
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:13)
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