Pretty unusual to see tornadoes in the Pacific Northwest. Take a look at this...
LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) — Forecasters say a tornado has ripped down power lines and damaged property in Washington state. The National Weather Service says the tornado hit the southwest Washington city of Longview on Thursday...
Tornado causes severe damage in Longview, Wash. Thursday afternoon and the weather continues to be unstable, authorities warn.
I don't know what time this afternoon, but I remember looking outside about 3PM, thinking about going for a walk in between downpours. The sky was as black as can be to the north. Don't know if that is what was happening, but it could be.
Tornadoes are as common here as is subzero weather. That occupied the news channels the rest of the day. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Researching such events happening here I found out that 42 years ago a severe tornado demolished a school and other buildings, killing 6 people and injuring 300.
More recently, 6 years ago, a mild one hit. One newspaper headlined, "Man in Porta Potty Knocked Over by a Tornado".
Oh My. Up till now my only porta potty fear was being caught in one during an earthquake. Yikes! More to worry about.....
Actually I am enjoying a few "post worry" days. Tuesday was MY big event. The extraction of a very large back lower molar. I didn't feel any pain after 5 or 6 shots of freezing, but a lot of pressure and reefing of my jaw. It probably wouldn't have been so bad except that one root was twisted around the jaw bone. (It didn't help either that in the room next to me a fellow was having 6 teeth extracted and he couldn't settle down until they gave him the "happy gas" and the rooms are not sound proof.)
I had been postponing this event for over a year and a half, but the excuses finally ran out. It feels like there is a grand canyon of the gums in my mouth. One perk is "relaxing" now for a few days, well maybe, several. Loafing around is another way of saying sleeping 11 hours the past 2 nights. Anyway, with torrential downpours and the threat of being caught in a porta potty these days, who wants to be out and about?
chewy, yummy
dark chocolate brownies
to speed recovery.....Yah......
Not all attention is to misery....
Bentley's (Millers' pet) cheer leading outfit for Halloween
Jake's last flag football game. Also one of the last really warm sunny days of the season...
Colors of the Pacific Northwest
Grandma G original digital photo books completed.....
one remembers 4 months ago
one remembers 1&1/2 year ago
one remembers 3 years ago....
somethings just can't be rushed into.....
Speaking of which....
I was in a hurry to get these done by a certain date because they were half price and free shipping on the website. Also I would receive the needed flying miles to obtain enough for a free ticket through the airline mall site. This was the day of the Columbia River cruise 2 weeks ago. I had it figured out so I could arrive home that evening and still order out the albums by 11:59PM PDT. That I did, with 15 minutes left over. Only.....not until the next day did I realize I DID NOT order them through the airline mall site.....bummer. No extra flying miles....
HOWEVER.....a week ago the airline mall site offered a deal of 500 extra miles if one spends $100 by Oct. 23. Yay! Only what can I justify spending that money on? I need a new swimsuit...only I am very specific on what I want and how much to spend. Also need (or at least want) a nice pair of leather winter boots. Solution.
One pair of leather boots from one store (the day before they offered 10 miles for every $1 spent...this day it was only 2 miles. Hard to play the system.) AND....5 clearance swimsuits (one doesn't know which one will be just right) from another store. Now to wait to find out if all this internet shopping will send items that fit and be kept or if all will be returned and NO flying miles be gained.
It's a hard life but someone has to live it......
This has been a good 3 "dental trauma" days in the life of Grandma G.
"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure." (Psalms 15:8&9)
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