One Big Fun Day is easier on me than several days of lots of little stuff....
I know, or I should know, that lots of little stuff is what most of life is about, but a big, fun day is....well.... much more fun.....
Since those have run out for awhile, it is time to focus, at least try to focus, on routine daily life. Here is some catch-up stuff...
That was followed a few days later with $48 for tab renewal. Shortly before this Ted was also treated to new breaks and rotors...He is all conditioned for another 50,000 miles. Which will bring us to 160,000 miles, if Ted's owner and driver lasts that long....
A little story about tweezers, since this is about much little stuff. (Tweezers are little stuff.) The morning of the big fun day of the Columbia River cruise I unintentionally plopped a small round mirror and tweezers into my purse. When I got to the senior center I took those items and put them on the seat of my vehicle (Ted). Upon returning home after dark that evening I went to take them out of the truck and into the house with me. I immediately picked up the mirror, but the tweezers were no where to be found.
In the house I dug through my purse several time and then a few times again, checked all my pockets, went out and looked through the SUV, but no tweezers. The next morning I went through the process all over again and also checked the ground. (I am quite attached to those tweezers.) Finally I resigned myself to no tweezers and planned a shopping trip to obtain a new one.
Later that day I was in my vehicle to go somewhere....probably to the store to buy new tweezers. I felt a jab to my right wrist...something rigid and sharp was poking me as I drove. What could be in my jean jacket cuff that was so annoying?.......It was....It was.....It was..... my tweezers......
It felt so good to be reunited.....
EXPERIMENT......I had heard that one can freeze half and half and it would be usable when thawed out.....this experiment of freezing H & H proved that hearsay true..... Now this experiment is NOT totally in significant to me. H & H is equal in importance to me as the air one breathes. Yorkshire Gold tea with raw brown sugar is not complete without H & H. Grandma G's life is not complete without that little cup of hot pleasure. Often, though, the H & H goes sour later in the week and before I can get to the store to buy fresh. Since it can be froze for safekeeping and emergency use, Grandma G has a renewed sense of teatime security..... Oh, Yah.
Enough little stuff for tonight. Tomorrow I part with a longtime buddy of mine of almost 55 years and countless steak dinners. A faithful gold crowned lower back molar is being's going to hurt me more than her....sorry to see (feel) her go, but she isn't so stable anymore......
You all come back to read about more much little stuff.....
This has been a good 5 "much little stuff " days in the life of Grandma G..
"A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction." (Proverbs 16: 23)
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