a rainy, wet party week...
Sunday afternoon I worked out in my front yard since the rain was limited to occasional drops. The forecast was for a whole lot more all week. But my Sunday afternoon work session story is for a soon coming post.
Monday is a forgotten day. Literally I have forgotten what I did that day, other than give a 15 minute piano lesson....
Tuesday was back to water aerobics after a no-show for a couple weeks. Felt good to exercise and socialize again.
In the afternoon it was to Sophie's for a perm. Good activity for a rainy day.
(I just remembered I spent a lengthy time on Monday making a decision on what to choose for Medicare supplement. Chose one and will see what the new year brings. The joys of the golden years. Also stopped at the office to pay my rent. The manager reminded me about our park Christmas dinner on Thursday evening. Would I play piano for about 30 minutes while folks are arriving. Sure...)
Sophie and I chatted away for the 90 minutes or so. She and her husband have bought an older mobile home in a neighborhood a distance from here. She was telling me some of the details about the home and her new neighbors. We shared some good laughs about an elderly neighbor who has already made his presence and personality known. Sophie has a salon just down the street from me. She moved here from Cambodia several years ago and has sisters with families still living there.
Thanks to OG's new table computers I found the answer to a profound question I've had for many years. I answered "yes".
Thursday was double party day...
The Skill Center offers high school students practical training in culinary skills. They attend regular high schools but also have a 3 hour class here for cooking, serving and waiting on customers. They serve meals to the public 3 days a week.
They served us a buffet of turkey and all the trimmings,
including yummy desserts.
After the meal we had our gift exchange. Drawing numbers decided who goes first.
Make that Nancy # 1 and
Gram G #2.
I opted for "large" package.
And nice tote.
(What's that camera doing at my place setting? Did we all get one?)
A good time was had by all.....
Of course no adventure is complete without a little mishap. I think it started when I drove to the clubhouse and realized I forgot to bring my gift to exchange. The lady I rode to the Skill Center with was nice enough to stop by my house so I could get it.
The lunch gathering went fine. When we got back to the park the lady dropped off one passenger and then drove to my house and dropped me off.
I was inside busy fussing with something when I realized I needed an item from my vehicle. Out I went and was shocked to see Ted gone. (Ted is my truck.) What happened to Ted? OH....
Now this can be reasoned away by realizing that the day started out with water aerobics, then Red Hats and there was to be another social dinner in 3 hours. I needed to make the coleslaw and review some songs to play for pre-dinner entertainment. Who has time for thoughts of Ted?
Thursday evening was our park Christmas dinner. A great time with lots of food. People enjoyed the music and gave me a round of applause. NICE...
They even threw me a bone....
Not really. When the dinner was over and mostly cleaned up I noticed there were 2 ham bones in a pan in the kitchen. I asked if they were spoken for or if I could have one. I was welcome to take one. Pea soup!! If only I had dry peas....
Friday morning I visited my friend Nancy. I wanted to see the sewing project I heard her talk to others about.
Nancy is 83 years old.....
So....Saturday dawns drowned in rain again. Off to buy dry peas....
They and the ham bone ended up in hot water....as did onions, carrots and celery....
This past week Washington and Oregon have experienced torrential rains, wind, a tornado, mud slides, flooding, a sink hole in a major highway, rock slides, high surf on the coast.....
BUT, no snow in these lower elevations.....
Just bought a half price hotel and meal deal for 2 nights in the San Juan Islands. Good through the end of April. Me thinks the Terrific Trio plus one will be adventuring in the early spring. The San Juan Islands have been at the top of my wish list for several years. I think it is something about the name.
This has been a good 5 "the fun goes on" days in the life of Grandma G.
"All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs 15:15)
This has been a good 5 "the fun goes on" days in the life of Grandma G.
"All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs 15:15)
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