Christmas afternoon the sun broke through for awhile....a great time for a walk around Deb's neighborhood.
Holly trees decorating the roadway....
Monkey tail tree......
Christmas Treasures.....
Louisa, Olivia, Emilia

Angie and JJ (Jake)

Jude and Gemma....
Allie and Sophia....
Cory, rock climbing near Anchorage, Alaska where he is attending college...
Are they related?? Waiting for Star Wars movie
Gerry and Jude

Ryan, Angie, Austin
Santa Chuck (2nd to left) with
Santa Rampage Bike ride in
Milwaukee, WI

Full moon over San Diego Beach Christmas morning....
(Gerry Schmidt photo)
After a dinner of ham and watching part of a movie I returned home to sit in front of the TV. The movie Coat of Many Colors was airing. It portrayed a time in Dolly Parton's early life about a patchwork coat her mom made for her. Excellent movie to see.I stayed up until midnight in order to call Louie. He told me a few weeks back that he is awake most of the night and sleeps most of the day. Sure enough, though it was 2 AM in Park Falls, he was wide awake when I called. We chatted awhile and wished him a Merry Christmas. (He doesn't do much these days other than watch TV and sleep. He doesn't get out of bed and is fed by a feeding tube. He is content.)
Going to bed at 12:30 I suddenly felt sick and spent a restless night. Wasn't sure if I could keep my invitation to have family over for dinner that evening. Come morning I swallowed some Tylanol, said a strong prayer and got on with the day.
Yum with mushrooms, fried onions, mashed potatoes and gravy....
And family.....
Frank and Carole.....
How do you like my halo?
Keys and Deb...
I ended up a bit sick on Sunday....stayed home, rested and napped 3 hours while rain fell.
What does one do with 2 roast bones with chunks of meat, left over au jus sauce and a bowl of fried onions?
One makes a pot of soup using them, a few carrots, potatoes, peas and barley.....
Oh wait, one doesn't have any barley. How about red quinoa? The soup is quite tasty.....
Monday was a get back to routine day by doing laundry and watching two Lord of the Rings movies while catching up on blogging.
Today, Tuesday, started with water aerobics, cleaning off pink mildew stuff from my shower unit...(lots of moisture out here), more laundry, and watching the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie while blogging.
I have an annoying habit of buying 3 small slightly green bananas at the beginning of the week. Bananas are suppose to be good for you, but I am not totally fond of them. By mid week they are ready for eating. By Friday they are over-ready. By Saturday they end up in the freezer. Come Monday the pattern starts all over again.
There is an up side..
banana bread on occasion.....
after 9 or more black bananas collect in the freezer.....
This banana bread is for a special event...
check back in a few days and find out what!!
The sun is forecast for southern Washington for the next 5 days....
Time for winter break.....Oh, yah!!
This has been a good 2 "days of Christmas part 2" in the life of Grandma G.
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God." (Psalms 100: 1-3)
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