a great day to "deck the deck".
Night view of decked deck.....
A Whole Lot of Decking Going on....
What is the Christmas season without cards to 19 grandkids and several cards to adult children and friends? And a gift poinsettia from my church?
For the most part here in the Pacific Northwest we are in the throes of rain forest rain.....
There are areas suffering real floods, landslides, sink holes, dangerous driving conditions, power outages, avalanche threat and even a tornado. Lots and lots of snow on Mt. Hood for winter sports!
Tuesday afternoon but my patio umbrella did not blow over. (It did a few weeks back. It would be in the garage but Gram G doesn't quite have the umph to hoist it up and out...) (No, those are NOT UFO lights....reflection from inside the house...But then, maybe they are.)
Hobbit yard did not get much decking because of flooding. It did get new fake stepping stones. They fit over the top of the crumbling plaster ones. Also, they are suppose to glow in the dark when there is sunlight to shine on them...appropriate for a hobbit habitat. Woo! Woo! We just need to wait for the sunshine to come back.
See his little black head to the lower left of the feeder?
Gram G is happy to be on the past side of the winter solstice. We can look toward more daylight as the days go by...
It is a grand time to observe all the colorful lights that people display.
This Christmas season has been a fun, pleasant one for me to be busy decking. Last year I didn't even put up a tree. Don't remember why. I think I was cleaning house in preparation for Lou to come visit.
Also have enjoyed listening a month of non-stop top 8 favorite Christmas CDs. Merry Music to you all!!
This has been a good 7 "deck the deck" days in the life of Grandma G.
"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." (Isaiah 9:2)
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