Gram G. After a bit of internet searching we were ready to head out on Thursday afternoon.
Leaving the Interstate highway for the back roads...
Entering our magic get away....

My Sam living on the edge...

On to explore the falls up close....
On the lower part of the photo you can see the trail that goes behind the falls.....
check back soon for more pix of that!!
It was a rainy day, but the sun shone in blue skies while we were exploring....
Gray clouds and rain returned as we left the park.....
Dark, but beautiful Oregon scene....
On to dinner .....Gram G enjoying a tiny Cornish hen drumstick.....
A bit of
Come back soon for the rest of the story.....
Mother's at church made paper flowers for all the moms
What's this you ask?? Something to make me feel like a mom on Mother's day??
Why, yes!
It is bread drying out to make a dumpling meal.....Angie and ME to make a dumpling dinner Sunday afternoon.
Dinner is ready!!
Happy Mother's Day to
Gram Carole, Mom Deb, and
Gram G....
Let's eat them there dumplings, ya all!!
Jake, Keys, Carole, Deb, Angie and Frank....
A Happy belated B-day piggy cup to Angie...
Deb's favorite seasonal cake..
white with fresh strawberries, custard filling, whipped cream and white chocolate frosting....YUM!!
"Better than Bullion" in large jars, organic orange, dark chocolate and summer pj's in wood storage box.
Getting the old gang back together again......
Lunch at Nancy's with Jo. Jo has moved from the park, but still part of the gang....
wonder what...
Nancy sews American doll clothes for her granddaughter....
A Monday evening Skype visit with daughter Angie and Chuck's girls in southern WI. Chuck wanted to know why I didn't respond to his Mother's Day message on Sunday. (I had been wondering why he didn't send me a message on Sunday.) Turns out he sent a message. I received it on my phone Tuesday afternoon..??
A Tuesday
Can you find the twittering bird in the tree?
Spring seems to have officially arrived....
one healthy robust earthworm...
one healthy, robust breakfast outdoors for Gram G...
The promise of warm, sunny weather from now until October....
Time to get outside to clean up my Hobbit yard and tea garden...
Time to get grandson Jake over here to help clean out my messy garage..
Time to make changes in my front yard....oh, yah....
This has been a good 8 "adventure time" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Lord, you have assigned for me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." (Psalm 16:5 & 6)
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