Out of kindness to you I thought a peaceful, orderly picture of Silver Falls would be a nicer start than....
a picture of my messy dwelling....
On Saturday Jake came over to help clear out a large, walk-in closet. I plan to get shelves built so that there is orderly storage of items. This room will have short term, but notable use later
Then it was on to the main event of the day...
A bit of maturing for both Jake and the yard...
5 hours later....a garage well cleaned and orderly
We will see what it looks like May 20, 2018...
project this summer....
Jake and Gram G selfie..
Dad, Keys, picking up his little boy.....
No job is done until the paperwork is done. In this case until the plastic work is done.
Almost 5 years worth of plastic grocery bags stored up for recycling. Finally being recycled.... The End..
On to other clean ups and redo's.
The park management says we must get rid of the red lava rock that is adorning some of the houses, including mine.
Memorial weekend a landscaper is coming to take out the rock and plant sod and a tree for me.
Also transplant the Norway pine you don't see behind the Japanese Maple. All this at our own expense. I will not be around over the weekend. I am excited to come home to a newly landscaped front yard....I wonder where she is going this time????
Scouting out a local nursery for greenery...
Not a good scenario when preparing to leave in a couple hours....I've never had a ant problem until this moment....what to do? Dump a bunch of cinnamon under the cupboards, spray insect killer on mounds outside and hope all is well when I return....Oh, My...
Where you off to, Grandma? Coming to visit me, your Alaskan mountaineering grandson Cory?
Leaving PDX through sunny skies
mountain cluster in central Oregon.....
Where will Grandma G land this time.....?
This has been a good 6 "did I not say" days in the life of Grandma G.
"For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his for he made it and his hands formed the dry land." (Psalm 95: 3-5)
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