I remember waking up a bit sick on Friday morning and remaining that way through Saturday. Friday evening gave me the chance to watch a three hour low budget movie of Moby Dick, though there was an event I would rather have been attending. Fortunately, the cost of the movie was low budget also.
I passed a yard that would make St. Francis happy. It hosted a rabbit, a squirrel, a chipmunk and a bird all hanging out together. (I've heard reports of raccoons milling about the park in the daytime. The other night I listened to a trio of coyotes howling their favorite tune.) I think St. Francis is living in one of our own little houses.
This week it was time to start cleaning up my house. Not a glamorous activity but someone has to do it. As the wise, well-aged Gramma G would always say,
"They also serve, who stay home and clean the house."
There is (was) a white film over the floors and furniture in my living room/dining room. Don't know where it came from, though I have a couple theories. Point is, it needed to be dealt with. Not much to brag or blog about, but gobbled up several hours and lots of Gram's energy. Include many hours of continuing physical therapy exercises to which more are added each week and one has a formula for long hours of nighttime sleep.
It's reaching quite high to find the sun so it may be time to head outdoors once again.
This week has been a look ahead time with starting to bring plans together for our Schmidt family reunion here in Vancouver! It's also a fun time to schedule the 12 year old Tyler/Grandma G great adventure to Crater Lake and the Red Wood forest!
My Indianapolis sisters, Kate and Betty, have bought their tickets to come visit in September!
Lots of exciting excursions coming up!!
I must have done the right thing by texting granddaughter Angie on Tuesday to see what she has been up to. She has been working hard and is needing an adventure with Gram G on her days off Thursday and Friday. She said the magic words to make things happen. We are off to.... you will have to come back soon to discover what!!
I feel loved.....
This has been a good 7 "someone has to do it" days in the life of Grandma G.
"....you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and women, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted." (Psalms 148: 9-13)
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