But when I view the MESS in my house I know that SOMETHING is happening. Either I am practicing to be a hoarder or all my storage mounds have erupted. I can't believe all the STUFF I've accumulated over the years....
..... COLLECTIONS.....
Souviner spoon rack
one of three
some things are best forgotten
Nearsighted large fluffy moose
Beach decorations
Holiday decorations
Tea assortments
Dirty dishes collection
Bug Eye glasses
Add to all that piles of cassette tapes, CDs, wrapping paper, games, dishes, clothes, inventory from the music store, 5 pianos, boxes and boxes of pictures, and you'll get a picture of my cozy house--though messy.
The moral of all this is that my kids should be doing this when I'm passed the point of responsibility. I hope they appreciate the favor I am doing them.
Truth is this is difficult for me because I am saying goodbye to an era of a large house, lots of kid activity, lots of collecting stuff, lots of being surrounded by items recalling memories. Now I need to store memories in my mind and heart, concentrate on doing rather than on obtaining, relishing a simple, tidy house and enjoy living whatever the present and future brings.
This has been a good 2 "start sorting" days in the life of Grandma G.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven." (Matt 6:19 &20)
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